10.12.2013 ►Sardarsahar ►Acharya Mahashraman at his birth place - Sardarsahar

Published: 11.12.2013
Updated: 08.09.2015

ShortNews in English

Sardarsahar: 10.12.2013

Land of Sardarsahar is filled with unbounded happiness to see her son - Acharya Mahashraman. Sardarsahar is associated with Acharya Mahashraman in all aspect of life. It is his birth place, diksha place and place where he become the 11th Head of Terapanth.

People from all sects gathered to welcome the beloved son who has left the materialistic world at very tender age.

News in Hindi

पुज्यप्रवर का धवल सेना के साथ अपनी जन्म भूमि सरदारशहर में मंगल प्रवेश


ShortNews in English:
Sushil Bafana


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            1. Acharya
            2. Acharya Mahashraman
            3. Diksha
            4. Mahashraman
            5. Sardarsahar
            6. Sushil Bafana
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