Through Cultural medium spread the message of Anuvrat Mission at national & international levels.
To organise international events for Non-Violence and World-Peace.
To organise Training Programs on Anuvrat and Jeevan Vigyan for new generation.
To organise camps and training programs for teachers to give them knowledge of Anuvrat, Jeevan Vigyan and Non-Violence.
To make new programs as per directions of Central Administration.
Physical Resources:
To achieve its aims, the Institution has big buildings in which Anuvrat, Anuvrat Sikshan Sansthan, Tulsi Anuvrat Darshan and Jeevan Vigyan training are organized. A building will be constructed in Jaipur for Acharya Tulsi International Research and Training Institute.
Human Resources:
Dedicated persons are already helping the organisation. More members are required for work, but due to financial problem it has not been done. There is a network of international Members to spread the message of Non-violence and Peace.
Financial Resources:
There are no means available to Anuvrat Vishva Bharati to generate its own finances, so it is entirely dependent on "Jai Tusli Foundation", "Amurut Nidhi" and donations by society members.
Working is according to the Organization Rules. There are 31 Members in the organization.
To give importance to Anuvrat and Non-violence programs. To involve younger generation boys and girls in it. Training programs should be regularly organsized throughout India.
To complete construction of Student Hostels and Auditorium in Vishva.