Support us & donate

Published: 27.03.2015
Updated: 01.10.2020

HereNow4U is privately financed and independ.

We need your support to develop and expand our site to the next level.

If you find the site useful, please donate generously.

Thank you

Your donations help us to keep up and running and to improve it every day.

We are very grateful to all of our supporters:

Bhautik Doshi (27.12.2016)
Ramesh Parmar (18.01.2017)
Dinesh Shah (15.02.2018)
Bhautik Doshi (23.07.2018)
Herbert Machkeder (08.11.2018)

Technical background


HereNow4U (the magazine and the book shop) is now technically hosted by GEERDES media (, where all the programming work is done and server costs are outsourced. Thus donations will go there to help improving this project's development.

Donations will not be taken for other purposes as mentioned above.
Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Dinesh Shah
  2. HereNow4U
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