22.08.2016 ►JCGB ►Paryushan and Das Laxan Parva 2016 Program
Published: 29.08.2016
Jain Center of Greater Boston
Jai Jinendra,
We are pleased to provide you the details of the Paryushan and Das Laxan Parva program at the Jain Center of Greater Boston.
Please note: The regularly scheduled Swadhyay session on Mondays has been cancelled until the Parvas are complete. It will resume on Monday, September 19.
Paryushan Parva
Monday, August 29 through Monday, September 5. Invited Speaker - Shri Sunilbhai Shah Pravachans will be in Gujarati. We will have two Pravachans everyday - one in the morning and the second the evening. Morning (weekdays) Pravachan will be on Karma Theory (only one subject for all days) Evening Pravachan will have different subject each day as below:
Badha Parvo ma Paryushan maha Parv nu Mahatva kem i.e. 5 Kartavya
6 - Aavashyak
5 Kalyanak ni aradhana sa mathe
1st bhav, 3rd bhav, 16th bhav, 25th bhav
Kalpasutra nu Summary
KuKarmo or KuSanskar ni samjan
Bandh or aanubandh (comparison between both which one is good and which one is bad)
Please click on the link below for detailed program information and bio data of Shri Sunilbhai Mehta.
Lunch will be provided on weekends. Please RSVP (required) using the link below.
Light lunch will be provided during the weekdays. If you wish to sponsor the weekday lunch at a cost of $250 per day, please contact Sudhirbhai Shah at 508-243-4731.
We are also looking for volunteers to host Shri Sunilbhai during the program. Please contact Rasikbhai Vagadia at 508-740-7816 if you wish to do so.
Das Laxan Parva
Tuesday, September 6 through Thursday, September 15 Invited Speaker - His Holiness Bhattarak Charukirtiji Pravachans will be in Hindi. HH Bhattarak Charukirtiji will have 15-20 minutes of Pravachan on each of Das Dharma on respective Dharma day followed by Swavadhay.
Please click the link below for detailed program information.
Lunch will be served on weekends. Please RSVP (required) using the link below.
Lunch will be served on weekends (Saturday and Sunday). RSVP is required. Please provide the number of attendees for each weekend day using the RSVP link below.