The disciple who is conversant with both iṅgita and ākāra of the Guru (2)- iṅgita means the subtle gestures such as the nodding of head etc. indicating affirmation and negation of action and the like; ākāra means the gross gestures such as indication of direction etc. or the intention of the Guru (2).
iṅgitaṃ- nipuṇamatigamyaṃ pravṛttinivṛttisūcakamīṣad bhrūśiraḥkampādi, ākāraḥ- sthūladhīsaṃvedyaḥ prasthānādibhāvābhivyanjako digavalokanādiḥ. anayordvandve engitākārau tau arthād gurugatau samyak prakarṣeṇa jānāni eṅgitākārasamprajñaḥ. yadvā eṅgitakārābhyāṃ gurugatabhāvaparijñānameva kāraṇe kāryopacārād eṅgitākāraśabdenoktaṃ tea sampanno- yuktaḥ.
(U 1.2 ŚāVṛ Pa 44)