Bondage of Karma exclusively due to Yoga (2) (activities of mind, speech and body) (free from passions). Bondage of Karma due to the Airyāpathikī Kriyā. Such kind of bondage of Karma occurs only in the case of a Vītarāga (one, free from attachment and aversion).
eryāpathikaṃ- kevalayogapratyayaṃ karmma tasya yo bandhaḥ.(Bhaga 8.302 Vṛ)
evaṃ pañcabhiḥ samitibhiḥ samitasya tisṛbhirguptibhirguptasyasarvatropaynktasyeryāpratyayikaḥ sāmānyena karmabandho bhavati.(Sūtra 2.2.2 Vṛ Pa 46)
īryāpathiko vītarāgasya. Īryā- yogaḥ, panthāḥ- mārgon yasya bandhasya sa īryāpathikaḥ. ayañca sātavedanīyarūpah dvisamayasthitiko bhavati.(Jaisidī 7.20 Vṛ)
- Airāpathikī Kriyā.