06.09.2016 ►JAINA ►Special Newsletter - Samvatsari

Published: 05.09.2016
Updated: 05.09.2016

Federation Of Jain Associations in North America

President's Message
Jai Jinendra!

Today is the most important day of the year where we get to shed evils within us and seek forgiveness from all beings. Jainsim is a unique religion. Jain religion gives us many opportunities to clean our souls, live a happy and peaceful life. JAINA has always worked for the cause of Community. On behalf of JAINA EC and BOD, if we have knowingly or unknowingly hurt you over past year, we seek your forgiveness.

Tomorrow is the first day of Das Lakshana Parva and I wish all of you to celebrate the same in high spirits and live Jain Way of Life.

JAINA will recognize Tapasvis by publishing their name and City in Newsletter and home page.


Ashok Domadia
JAINA President
Chairman - JAINA BOD
Quote - Paryushan Day  8

Silence and Self-control is non-violence.

- Bhagwan Mahavir

Forgiveness on SAMVATSARI
Paryusan Day 8 [SAMVANTSARI]

What is the most difficult thing on this earth? This question is so much subjective and depends from person to person. For some it may be academics, where as for some it may be playing various kinds of sports. Some may think that science is the most complex thing where as some may find  the subject of Law difficult. And yes out of all some may think everything is difficult. How about forgiving?

On this last day of Paryushan we all do pratikraman, the act of forgiving and apologizing to one and all. Do we really forgive everyone?

Let us take an example. A man is walking on the street and suddenly a robber comes on the bike and snatches the mobile phone of the man who is walking. There is no doubt that the man will have a feeling of revenge and will wish to catch the thief no matter what. Forgiveness has the power to change anything. If the man is able to catch the thief and instead of punishing him if he forgives him, I think he will do a better deed than punishing him. Even from the view point of the thief, he will think ten times before repeating his actions again. This is where it makes a difference. Any actions good or bad should have a favorable reaction. Forgiving makes us feel big. We get a feeling of satisfaction and inner peace. This is what good deeds are all about. No other materialistic thing on earth can give the happiness that forgiveness can provide.

Bhagwan Mahavir also emphasized the importance of forgiveness. There are instances where Bhagwan Mahavir has forgiven many, and successfully walked on the path of enlightenment. So lets us take a vow that we will try to forgive as much as we can and try to let go of things. We will surely be benefited by this and there is no doubt that this cannot harm us in any way.

Anumodna during paryusan & Das Lakshana
JAINA will recognise Tapasvis by publishing their name and City in eNewsletter and .

Adults (18+): 8 or more Upvas
Youths (Below 18 years): 3 or more Upvas

Please email your Full Name, Adult/Youth, City and Number of Upvas at 

Useful Links:

Pratikraman Introduction in English:    Pratikraman Explanation of Ritual in English:       

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    • Federation of Jain Associations in North America [JAINA]
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        Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
        1. Bhagwan Mahavir
        2. Das
        3. Das Lakshana
        4. Federation of Jain Associations in North America
        5. JAINA
        6. Jaina
        7. Jinendra
        8. Lakshana
        9. Mahavir
        10. Non-violence
        11. Parva
        12. Paryusan
        13. Paryushan
        14. Pratikraman
        15. Samvatsari
        16. Science
        17. Tapasvis
        18. Upvas
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