Oceanic Youth- A kind of Bhavanapati Deva (Mansion-dwelling god),
whose thighs and waist are remarkably elegant and whose symbol is crocodile.
ūriikaṭiṣvadhikapratirūpāḥ kṛṣṇaśyāmāḥ makaracihna udadhikumāraḥ.
(TaBhā 4.11)
Oceanic Youth- A kind of Bhavanapati Deva (Mansion-dwelling god),
whose thighs and waist are remarkably elegant and whose symbol is crocodile.
ūriikaṭiṣvadhikapratirūpāḥ kṛṣṇaśyāmāḥ makaracihna udadhikumāraḥ.
(TaBhā 4.11)
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