Reconsumable commodity- That object, which can be reused again and again, e.g., cloths, utensils etc.
punaḥ punarbhujyate ityupabhogo vastrālaṃkārādi, uktaṃ ca... uvabhogo u puṇo puṇa uvabhujjai vatthavilayāi.
(Prajñā 23.59 Vṛ Pa 475)
Reconsumable commodity- That object, which can be reused again and again, e.g., cloths, utensils etc.
punaḥ punarbhujyate ityupabhogo vastrālaṃkārādi, uktaṃ ca... uvabhogo u puṇo puṇa uvabhujjai vatthavilayāi.
(Prajñā 23.59 Vṛ Pa 475)
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