Upasampadā Sāmācārī

Published: 26.09.2016

A type of Sāmācārī (rules of conduct qua etiquette, formality and convention);

to stay with the Ācārya (preceptor) and the like, belonging to other Gaṇa (religious sub-order), in order to gain knowledge and the like; to accept their discipleship for a specific period.

ācaryāntarādisannidhau avasthāne upa-sāmīpyena sampādanaṃ gamanaṃ... upasampad- iyantaṃ kālaṃ bhavadantike mayā"sitavyamityevaṃrūpā.

(U 26.7 SāVṛ Pa 535)


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Jaina Pāribhāṣika Śabdakośa
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  1. Gaṇa
  2. JAINA
  3. Jaina
  4. Jaina Pāribhāṣika Śabdakośa
  5. Ācārya
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