The Devas (gods) of higher category, viz., Graiveyaka (neck-dwelling (gods)) and Anuttaravimāna (the highest heaven of the Empyrean gods), who are born in the heavens free from the hierarchy of the indra (king), Sāmānika (kinglike) etc...
kappāīyā u je devā, duvihā te viyāhiyā. gevijjā'ṇuttarā ceva...(U 36.212)
kalpān- uktarūpānatītāḥ- taduparivarttisthānotpannatayā niṣkrāntāḥ kalpātītaḥ.(U 36.209 ŚāVṛ Pa 702)
- Kalpopaga Deva.