Forgiveness- A type of Śramaṇadharma (tenfold virtues of ascetic) or uttamadharma (noble virtues);
the practice of inhibition of the Udaya (rise) of anger and making futile the anger which has already come into Udaya after having pondered over the virtues and vices accruing from the practice of forgiveness and indulging in anger respectively.
kṣamā titikṣā sahiṣṇutvaṃ krodhanigraha ityarnthantaram... kṣamāguṇāścānāyāsādīnannsmṛtya kṣamitavyameveti kṣamādharmaḥ.(TaBhā 9.6.1)
krodhotpattinimittaviṣahyākrośādisaṃbhave kāluṣyoparamaḥ kṣamā.(TaVā 9.6.2)
kohodayassa niroho kātavvo udayappattassa vā viphalīkaraṇaṃ esā khama tti.(DaACū p. 11)
- Uttamakṣamā.