Fasting for five days at a stretch- A type of Anaśana (fasting).
dvādaśamupavāsapancakalakṣaṇaṃ tapa iti.
(PrasāVṛ Pa 169)
duvālasameṇa......dinapancakānantaraṃ bhuktavān.
(ĀBhā 9.4.7)
Fasting for five days at a stretch- A type of Anaśana (fasting).
dvādaśamupavāsapancakalakṣaṇaṃ tapa iti.
(PrasāVṛ Pa 169)
duvālasameṇa......dinapancakānantaraṃ bhuktavān.
(ĀBhā 9.4.7)
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