1. The oldest scholion on the Āgama (canonical work) in verses, which furnishes the etymological interpretation of the canonical terminology.
nijjuttā te atthā jaṃ baddhā teṇa hoi nijjuttī.
(AvaNi 88)
niryuktānāṃ vā sūtreṣveva parasparasambaddhānāmarthānāmāvirbhāvanam.
(Sūtrani 1 Vṛ p. 2)
2. A scholiastum or expositive treatise based on rational justification to clarify the purport of the Sūtra (2) (canonical aphorisms).
niryuktayaḥ niryxiktānāṃ - sūtre´bhidheyatayā vyavasthāpitānāmarthānāṃ yuktih.
(SainaVṛ Pa 101)
...nijjuttī vakkhāṇaṃ...
(ViBhā 965)