Those Asura (Devas) (demons) who use to inflict pain to the infernals of the first three infernal lands.
paramaśca te'dhārmikās'ca saṃkliṣṭapariṇāmatvātparamādhārmikāḥ-asuraviśeṣāḥ, ye tisṛṣu pṛthivīṣu nārakān kadarthayantīti.
(Sama 15.1 Vṛ Pa 28)
Those Asura (Devas) (demons) who use to inflict pain to the infernals of the first three infernal lands.
paramaśca te'dhārmikās'ca saṃkliṣṭapariṇāmatvātparamādhārmikāḥ-asuraviśeṣāḥ, ye tisṛṣu pṛthivīṣu nārakān kadarthayantīti.
(Sama 15.1 Vṛ Pa 28)
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