04.01.2022: Preksha Meditation

Published: 04.01.2022

Posted on 04.01.2022 06:56

What is the difference between deep breathing and pranayama?

Deep breathing in itself and pranayama are not two different things. The exhalation, the inhalation and the kumbhak (holding the breath) have the same role in both. But, to concentrate the mind on each breath and be conscious of it, is meditation, and not part of pranayama. To observe the movement of the breath, its coming and going, is meditation. Pranayama alone may have some utility from the point of view of bodily health, but from the psychological point of view it is of little use, whereas meditation greatly increases the possibilities of mental development.

The practice of deep breathing or being aware of the coming and going of each breath produces three results — alertness, the feeling of being a mere spectator, and slow breath. In the beginning of sadhana, the direct experiencing of these results serves to awaken the sadhak’s selfconfidence. To awaken confidence in oneself means to come to know one’s powers and one’s capacity to use them. This is the fruit of deep breathperception, after experiencing which the direction of one’s life stands changed. One becomes established in oneself and develops a distinct identity.

As the practice of breathperception matures, a_ state of alertness naturally comes into being. This state becomes perpetual and results in the growth of mindfulness. Then, whether sitting, standing, walking, relaxing or working, in the midst of every activity, one remains conscious of one’s breathing. For this one does not have to do a thing. Only one must awaken in oneself the condition of being a mere spectator. Alert and _ objective observation provides a vision of true _ selfunderstanding and weakens the mentality of attachment and aversion.

~Acharya Mahapragya

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