12.01.2022: Preksha Meditation

Published: 12.01.2022

Posted on 12.01.2022 06:36

In the preliminary stages of meditation, the practice of breath perception is very easy and beneficial. Even novices experience little difficulty in practising breath perception. What is the object of perception in the next stage?

We have before us two kinds of worlds — a gross world and a subtle world. Most people spend their life in the gross world. They find little opportunity for entering the subtle world. Dhyana is a process of moving form the gross to the subtle. Through constant awareness of the gross, the mind becomes fully concentrated, and this concentration opens the door to the subtle world. Perception of body is an instance thereof. The practice of body perception after breath-perception, is very useful from this point of view.

Body-perception means_ the observation of the body within and without—from the outside to the inward core of being. When we start observing the body, we first perceive the grosser elements. As the practice of body-perception matures, we begin to grasp the subtler elements, too. Our body is full of vibrations. There is in it bio-electricity, which sets moving all the bodily activities and is responsible for bio-chemical changes.

There is the central nervous system at work in the body, also the endocrine system. The vibrations of knowledge and action are also active within, as are all the constituent elements of the body. One becomes acquainted with all this manifold activity through body-perception. The consummation of practice is the vision of one’s aura. It is thus possible to perceive the subtler and the subtlest movements of the body. This way of body-perception is the path leading from the gross to the subtle.

~Acharya Mahapragya

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            1. Acharya
            2. Acharya Mahapragya
            3. Aura
            4. Body
            5. Concentration
            6. Dhyana
            7. Endocrine System
            8. Mahapragya
            9. Meditation
            10. Perception Of Body
            11. Preksha
            12. Preksha Meditation
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            14. Yoga
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