27.04.2023: Preksha Meditation

Published: 27.04.2023

Posted on 27.04.2023 08:29

However, if you entangle yourself in the problem your brain will get heavy and the problem will become more complex. The problems caused by emotions and passions are very complicated. If in a family of ten, the elder one says to the younger one:

"You are just sitting around and eating all day. What could bother you?" Such words can create a huge problem. When the mother-in-law says something to her daughter-in-law, tension begins. Emotional tensions are graver, because they hurt a person directly. The reason is obvious: people living in a society hardly pay any attention to their tone, words and language. I have told many political leaders: "Exercise control over your words and don't directly attack a person of the opposite party. Criticism of principles or policies is all right. But personal accusations, personal abuse (using bad words) and _ personal criticism are not cultured. This sends out the wrong message to society. The common man may think: "If people at the top act thus, why can't we do the same?" If those who hold the reins of power and are responsible for the health and functioning of the nation they set an example to ordinary people, who may feel, "Why not I?" A very wrong message goes out. Therefore it is imperative that powerful people and people in high positions are genuinely polite and cultured in their interactions with each other. They should not use bad or rude language.

This also holds for families. How should people in a large family communicate with each other? What kind of language should they use? This is one of the important topics to be discussed. If you use distinction in your language, the problem of tension probably will not at all occur. If you don't pay attention to the language you use, problems may arise with every word spoken.

Each and every word should be weighed before spoken out. When a person speaks without weighing or thoroughly reviewing his words, he creates a problem for others, unaware of the result it may bring about, and this will bring no benefit for himself either.

To be continued...

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