06.05.2023: Preksha Meditation

Published: 06.05.2023

Posted on 06.05.2023 11:05

One of the greatest causes of tension is passion. A person whose emotions are calm cannot get tense. Someone approached his guru and said, "Gurudev! Show me the path of peace." The guru tried to explain it to him, but the person could not entirely understand it. Then the guru said, "In the city, a man has died. I happen to know that his body has not yet been cremated and is in the graveyard. Go there immediately and utter twenty bad words to that dead body. Don't come back immediately, but stay there for another ten minutes." The man went and did accordingly. He returned after waiting there for ten minutes. Then the guru asked him, "Did the dead body say anything to you?"

"No, it was silent!" "Did it get tense?" "When it didn't speak, how can tension arise?” The guru answered, "The day you become a living dead body, peace will descend upon you."

There is vital energy inside us. However there are cases when you need to become inert, like a dead body. When anyone comes up to you and says bad words, don't react at once. Be relaxed within yourself. You will attain peace and inner harmony. By listening to a mere word, if you immediately get stressed, you will never reach stable peace of mind.

There are two types. of personalities independent personalities and mechanical personalities. Those with a mechanical personality can be compared to puppets. Their lifestyle is very strange. If you want to please them, they can be pleased within a minute. If you praise them only a little they will be happy; but if you say harsh words to them their temperature will rise immediately. Such people have no independent identity. In fact, such people's lives are controlled by others, just as puppets on a string. People whose emotions are intense and have no control over their passions behave in this manner. But those who have control over their emotions do not become like puppets in controlled by other's hands. They bear every situation, they won't get tense.

To be continued...

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