The Ahinsa Nagar hosting the 140th Maryada Mahotsav festivity has turned into a mela (religious gathering) with increasing presence of people from all around India. During the last days almost all Kotadi (cottages built especially for this event) were allocated by groups of people arriving in large number at Ahinsa Nagar. The organisation committee has taken adequate arrangements being able to accommodate the people still arriving. They will be lodged at various nearby hotels or in Marriage Halls throughout the city of Jalgaon.
Good food, drinking water, and hygiene facilities are availed to every visitor arriving at Ahinsa Nagar. A help booth is set up at the railway station to organise the free of charge transfer from the station to Ahinsa Nagar.
The key attraction of whole event hosted at Jalgaon is easy 'Darshan' of Gurudev and all saints to everyone. One can easily take Gurudev blessings within a few minutes.