Samani Vishad Pragya

Published: 20.07.2014


Born: 05.10.1980, Gangashahar, Rajasthan, India
Passed away: 16.07.2014, Ladnun, Rajasthan

Terapanth Info

ID: 139
Diksha: 03.02.2001 at Bikaner, Rajasthan, India by Acharya Mahaprajna



M.A. in Sol, Preksha Meditation & Yoga

Current Status:

Disciple Of His Holiness Acharya Mahashraman


Languages: Hindi, Rajasthani, English, Nepali
& can understand Sanskrit, Prakrit & Gujarati

Yoga & Meditation

Jain Philosophy and Conduct

Conducting camps, seminars & workshops in:

  • Value development
  • Time -, Stress -, Self -, Anger - etc. Management
  • Personality Development
  • Yoga & Meditation
  • Occupying role of spiritual nun in Terapanth Sect since 2001.
  • Conduct of contact classes for JVB University, Ladnun India.

Places Travelled:

Nepal, UK & many states of India


References are pages on which this term or individual has been marked. Select the list of references sorted by 'latest' (found on a page), 'alphabetical' or 'most used' (most frequent occurrence on a page).

Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Acharya
  2. Acharya Mahashraman
  3. Anger
  4. Bikaner
  5. Gangashahar
  6. JVB
  7. JVB University
  8. Jain Philosophy
  9. Ladnun
  10. Mahashraman
  11. Meditation
  12. Prakrit
  13. Preksha
  14. Preksha Meditation
  15. Rajasthan
  16. Rajasthani
  17. Sanskrit
  18. Terapanth
  19. Yoga
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