1. | Prof. P.S. Jaini, Prof. (Emeritus) of University of California at Berkley, will deliver a number of lectures in the first week of ISSJS2009 at Delhi.
2. | Admissions to both program i.e. one month program and two months program are open now. ISSJS 2009 is completely overhauled in academic content, facility management and other field activities. The program is now made modular so that a key faculty member is responsible for delivering effectively the entire module and be available to the scholars for discussions. ISSJS2009 is being organized in separate classes, which will be totally independent physically and academic content wise. The scholars enrolling for the two months program will have ample opportunities to have in depth discussions and insiders view of Jainism and its relevance to 21st century. The scholars enrolling for one month program will have sufficient exposure to encourage them for taking up Jain studies further in their academic pursuits. Last date for submission of application form is February 14th 2009.
3. | ISSJS 2009 at MahidolUniversityBangkok (Thailand) April 2009-May 2009
4. | ISJS board meets with the leaders of Jain community in London. U.K. click to read pdf: |
5. | ISJS has a Face and Presence in U.K now.
6. | Prof. Gary L. Francione, Distinguished Professor of Law & Nicholas deB. Katzenbach Scholar of Law and Philosophy, Rutgers University School of Law USA and an highly acclaimed author of many books on Animal Rights, exhorts the Jain community leaders to make Jainism available to the wider world of those who were not born into the Jain tradition.
7. | Dr Shugan Jain Director ISJS delivered a lecture on Relevance of Jainism in 21st century at S.A.JainCollege Ambala. (Haryana), India
8. | Introducing the distinguished people behind ISJS.
9. | Papers and books under preparation by ISJS.
10. | Condolences in ISJS family: