Tirthankar Munisuvrata
Tree: Nag Champa
Botanical Name: Michelia champaca Linn.
Family: Magnoliaceae
Habit tree. Bark febrifuge, stimulant, expectorant, astringent, dried root and root bark is purgative and in the form of infusion useful emmolient and-mixed with curdled milk, can be applied to abcesses. Flowers and fruits considered to be stimulant, antiseptic tonic, stomach carminative, bitter and cooling used in dyspepsia, nausea and fever, also useful as diuretic in renal diseases, gonorrhea. It is used in the mixture form with sesamum oil for external application in vertigo. Oil Extracted from flowers is used in ophthalmia, cephalagia and gout. Juice of leaves is given with honey in colic. Seeds and fruits are used for healing the cracks in feet. Flowers contain essential oil too.