Contemplation on solitariness- Fourth Anuprekṣā (4) (contemplative meditation);
in which one contemplates over the solitary nature of soul. It comprises repeated reflection on the themes such as 'nobody partakes of disease, old age suffering, death etc.' 'whatever fruition of Karma one has bound has to be endured by oneself'; also repeated reflection on solitariness of soul, by separating the self from attachment to owns and aversion to aliens.
eka evāhaṃ na me kaścit svaḥ paro vā vidyate. eka evāhaṃ jāye eka mriye......eka evāhaṃ svakṛtakarmaphalamanubhavāmiti cintayet, evaṃ hyasya cintayatah svajanasamjnakeṣu snehānurāgapratibandho na bhavati pārasaṃjñalceṣu ca dveṣānubandhaḥ. tato niḥsangatāmabhyupagato mokṣāyaiva ghaṭata ityekatvānuprekṣā.
(TaBhā 9.7)