Door-panel- In the course of the Kevali-samud- ghāta (spatial expansion of soul-units by the omniscient soul beyond the body), the configuration of door-panel is attained in the second and seventh Samaya (smallest time-unit) of the projection; the soul-units which had spread up to the zenith and nadir of the cosmos in the first Samaya in the shape of a column now expand east-west and north-south, touching the extreme ends of the cosmos in the upper and lower directions, and assuming a shape of a door-panel (which resembles a fourteen Rajjus (innumerable Yojanas (1 Yojana-7.88 miles) high parallelepiped)).
'biie kavāḍaṃ karei' tti dvitīyasamaye tu tameva daṇḍaṃ pūrvāparadigdvayaprasāranātpārśvato lokāntagāmikapātamiva kapātam karoti.
(Aupa 174 Vṛ Pa 209)
- Kevalisamudghāta.