Ahimsa Yatra of Acharya Mahashraman

On the 2nd day of holy stay of His Holiness Acharya Mahashraman at Bhagalpur, Civil Greeting programme was organized by the lay followers of Bhagalpur. Gyanshala students beautifully devoted their emotions in the holy feet of His Holiness.
His Holiness Acharya Mahashraman preached in today's Prime Sermon that, Lord Vasupujya the colossus who had attained a paramount vestal of the soul. Chandana whose chastity got explicitness, Subhadra whose modesty got erupted. Many relevance like these are from the Bhagalpur area where we have arrived. Civil Greeting is being held. Greeting is fine, a prelude. However Humility, Morality and De-addiction should be a tribute. If these remain in the life then it seems to be like life got awarded.