13.05.2017 ►Acharya Shri VidyaSagar Ji Maharaj ke bhakt ►News

Published: 13.05.2017
Updated: 14.05.2017


Curiosity about God Existence/Role, Who is the God?

In general, we have find diversities everywhere in the world. E.g. someone is less knowledgeable and someone is more. Someone is rich and someone is poor. Some people are sick and some are healthy. Certainly these diversities create curiosity. “What is the reason of the diversities seen in this world around?” Isn’t it? So let’s go to the way of unveil these diversities…

The entire universe we see is full of diversity, who would be regulating the whole world? My life and others’ lives even the scenario of the whole world? Who has created this world, who takes care of it and who contributes in its destruction? We all have the same curiosity regarding these basic fundamentals and all have sought out answers in their own way according to their potential. Commonly similar ideology is transmitted that whatsoever world is exist, it’s a structured by the God only, managed by him and God only responsible for destruction. He organizes the whole world in his three forms and He is omnipotent. He is all powerful and He sits high above in the sky. This is all published and most of the people's belief that God organizes the whole world in these three forms.

Are we getting relevant satisfaction to suppose the God as the omnipotent? If as suppose that, So many diversities are shown, the God has created and it’s up to God that, He manages, maintains and he also destroys it if he wish. So now question been arises that if he does manage the whole world then, who created God?

As above arisen these question marks and for solution, Said that God is beginning-less or eternal. Its okay that….for a while, we can suppose that he is beginning-less. He is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. He is all-knowing, widely distributed. It good and surely that kind of God’s management would be proper and perfect. Even there is not any complication to accept that kind of omnipotent and all-knowing God. But to accept the kind of omnipotent God as person or thing, the foremost problem will arise that if that god present everywhere and all-knowing then he is compassionate or not. Why he gives sorrow to anyone, if he manages the whole world then why he gives sorrowfulness to anyone. Now if we consider that we got suffer due to our work [deed]. Then who would believe on God as omnipotent. If surely I would to suffer by fruit of my precious sin deep then what did God? I can accept God as omnipotent whereas if I would touch to fire he should feel me cold, At-least he must feel cold in fire for him followers. Then no would be needs of cooler, ac, freeze etc…Because just pray to God and touch to fire, would be feel like you enter hand in cool place and if touch to ice so would be feel like hot. But these things generally we don’t found. The world is just managed naturally and running self- operated. The fires nature is burning and Ice nature is coolness, it’s an ultimate low of nature.

To operate the whole world, No need of any person or object. Still, to think on this topic, though ultimately similar ideology is transmitted that whatsoever world is exist it’s a structured by only God, but whosoever is philosopher, deep-thinker, wise people, seer, sage etc… they knows the real fact.

Even on the behalf of lord Krishna conveyed his message in the Bhagavad Gītā that….Hey Arjuna! “I didn’t create the world, Nobody makes this whole world, neither this world is work of anybody, nor someone is doer of the world. The Universe is operated naturally by itself.”

Every single principle is self-driven as per their nature of the particular component. Don’t need of anybody to manage the regulation. Here nobody exists who made law of nature. It’s self-driven, eternal and clean by nature. Every single low is clear like fire’s nature is hot and if I put hand to fire, it will surely burn similarly to the everybody whether he/she is kid, older, younger, wise men, poor and rich. It is global and Everlasting nature of fire. E.g. our house burned by fire but don’t burned to my store, burned in India but not in America. It’s not possible. Therein has no need of any God to driven principle its nature only. Such is natural and self driven the entire universe.

Even Now curiosity as it is remained. When the whole visible world, my life and whoever souls [organism] are living. If theirs life is self-operated and based on nature then what significance remains of the God in our life. Hence, do we disclaim the existence of the God? Just like a philosopher “Nitsey” considered that God is no more, he is finished. Do we us also accept that here is no existence of God, here is no existence of God named deity? No existence of Supreme Being? Now we have to concentrate on that whatever diversities been showing what’s support of the God. So now see it that God is just like a perfect light and just pure mirror. And what’s operation of light? Operation of the sun is just rise and spread light throughout world. Whoever opened their doors of the house, according as light of sun would enter and whoever closed their doors of the house light will not enter. If you wish to identify the object so it depend upon you that you can identify the object to put in light if you want to use light and if you want to reflect your object in the light. The God just can spread light but God won’t say that It is a Car, it is a tree and so on. The God just like light he can reflect every component of the world but it’s our responsibility to understand the diversities with reason. His role is just he illuminates the diversities without bias but it’s upon you to understand proper meaning. As if we look our face in mirror for checking, if we found anything wrong so we wash our face. So here no problem in mirror, it’s just pure. Same as God’s work is just he reflects truth of whosoever in front of mirror.

Article Source: Article taken from Hindi Language book 'Karma Kaise Kare' written by Sky-clad Ascetic sage Kshama Sagara G, English translation by Nipun Jain

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सब्जी जैसी सामान्य चीज़ खरीदते समय तो हम देख परख कर पैसे देते हैं लेकिन जिनेन्द्र भगवान् का स्वरूप को समझते समय हम इतनी बड़ी भूल कैसे कर डालते हैं? क्षुल्लक #ध्यानसागर -शिष्य #आचार्यविद्यासागर

🔶 भ्रांति १:- "वीतराग भगवान् कुछ भी लेते-देते नहीं हैं" क्या यह सत्य है?

➡️ युक्ति एवं आगम पर आधारित समाधान:-

यह बिल्कुल आगम विरुद्ध कथन है। इसमें आधी बात सच है की भगवान कुछ लेते नहीं पर जिनके पास ९ क्षायिक लब्धियाँ हैं और जिनके अंदर क्षायिक दान लब्धि जगमगा रही हो उनको अदाता कैसे कहा जा सकता है?

🙏 आगमप्रमाण:-
आचार्य कुन्द कुन्द स्वामी ने बोधपाहुड की गाथा 24 में कहा है...

❓अरहंत देव कौन है?

देव वो होते है जो देते हैं। देव वो हैं जो भली प्रकार से देते हैं।

❓देव क्या प्रदान करते है? उनके पास क्या है?

यदि भगवान् की दीक्षा-अवस्था का स्मरण करेंगे तो तब उनके पास कुछ भी नहीं होता पर भगवान् की केवली-अवस्था का स्मरण करेंगे तब उनके पास सब कुछ होता है।

यहाँ आचार्य कुन्द कुन्द स्वामी के कथन अनुसार जिसके पास होता है, वही देता है, भगवान धर्म-अर्थ-काम-ज्ञान-दीक्षा (शरण) सबके प्रदाता है।

🙏 श्री धवला जी ग्रन्थ में भी आचार्य वीरसेन स्वामी ने लिखा है..." जो देवे सो देव, जो न देवे वो काहे का देव?"

🌟 भगवान् को बुद्धि द्वारा जानने से पहले श्रद्धा से जानिए, समझिए तो कल्याण होगा क्योंकि आजतक छद्मस्थ अवस्था में किसी के पास इतनी बुद्धि ही नहीं रही कि भगवान को समझ सके।

✨ "केवली को जानने के लिए केवली बनना पड़ता है।"

✨ "ज्ञानवरण के परदे के अंदर से केवली की पहचान दुष्कर है।"

✨ केवली भगवान् भी ख़ुद अरहंत का स्वरुप पूर्ण नहीं बता पाए तो फिर अपन तो कितने छोटे हैं अपन क्यों बड़े बन रहे हैं?..... छोटे बन जाएँ तो ज़ल्दी कल्याण हो जाएगा।

➡️ भगवान् दाता नहीं, महादाता है।

वो धर्म देते हैं, अर्थ आदि देते हैं तो कैसे देते है?

➡️ युक्ति:-कल्पवृक्ष के समान।
कल्पवृक्ष जिस प्रकार उससे जो मांगो वह सब कुछ प्रदान करता है "जाँचे सुरतरु देय सुख" क्योंकि उसका स्वरूप ही वैसा है।
बस उसी प्रकार जैसा की सिद्धान्त-ग्रन्थ जयधवला के रचियता आचार्य जिनसेन स्वामी आदिपुराण में कहते है कि... "कल्पवृक्षो वरप्रदः" आदिनाथ भगवान् को इन्द्र कल्पवृक्ष कह रहा है और इन्द्र जो कि सर्व ऐश्वर्य संपन्न होता है उसके लिए आदिनाथ भगवान कल्पवृक्ष हैं तो सामान्य मनुष्य को तो वो क्या-क्या प्रदान कर सकते हैं इससे हम अनुमान लगा सकते हैं कि वो भगवान कितने बड़े दाता हैं!

"अपुत्रीन को तू भले पुत्र कीने"

कविवर द्यानतराय जी ने भी आचार्य कुन्दकुन्द स्वामी का ही अनुकरण किया है।

इसीलिए अरहंत प्रभु को अदाता कह ही नहीं सकते। अदाता कहना भगवान की निंदा हो जाएगी और निंदा करने वाले का कभी कल्याण नहीं हो सकता।

🌟 भगवान् की स्तुति करनेवाला तो उनके समान बन जाता है और जो सेवक को स्वामी न बना सके उस स्वामी के पास मैं क्यों जाऊँ?

"अरहंतसरणं पव्वज्जामि"

जैनं जयतु शासनम्।

🌟जिनवाणी पुत्र क्षुल्लक श्री ध्यानसागर जी महाराज द्वारा २८ फरवरी, २०१६ को जिनवाणी चैनल पर दिये गए भक्तामर- स्तोत्र के व्याख्यान से... पूर्ण प्रवचन आप इस link से सुन सकते हैं- https://youtu.be/09cSojibass

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मुंबई -गणिनी प्रमुख श्री ज्ञानमती माताजी ससंघ भगवान बाहुबली के चरणो में प्रवचन करते हुए:) #AryikaGyanmati

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          Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
          1. Adinath
          2. Ahinsa
          3. Bahubali
          4. Digambara
          5. Jainism
          6. JinVaani
          7. Krishna
          8. Kshama
          9. Nipun Jain
          10. Nirgrantha
          11. Nonviolence
          12. Omniscient
          13. SS
          14. Tirthankara
          15. आचार्य
          16. जिनसेन
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