Manahparyavgyani - one who possess mind reading knowledge
Mantra - sacred syllable having spiritual power
Manu - Progenitor of humanity
Matsyasana - Fish posture
Moksha - The revelling of the soul in its own nature on account of annihilation of all karmas.
Mooladhar - Root chakra (or centre of energy located at the bottom of spine)
Mrityunjaya Mantra - A mantra to overcome death
Mukhkamal - Lotus-like face
Mukhchandra - Moon-like face
Mukhdarpan - Mirror-like face
Naiyayikas - Followers of Nyay philosophy
Naagdamani - A substance which removes the poisonous effect of snakes
Naagkumar - Category of celestial beings resembling snakes
Naya - Non absolutistic standpoint
- Dravyarthiknaya - Substantial viewpoint, which takes cognizance of only the aspect of permenance of substance
Nishchaynaya - transcendental viewpoint, a view which accepts the real nature object - Paryayarthiknaya - Modal viewpoint, which takes cognizance only of particular mode of substance
- Vyavaharnaya - Empirical viewpoint, which takes cognizance of the character of substance as it is understood by common people
Nigod - Micro organism; infinite number of soul which have a common body
Nimitta - Auxiliary cause
Nirvana - Liberation, Moksha
Nirvedanee - A kind of tale; the tale which is told with the moral that one should remain detached to the mundane world by depicting the auspicious and in- auspicious fruit in one's life
Niryukti- One of the commentary literatures written on Aagam
Paap - Demerit
Padatisena - Infantry
Parampuman - Supreme personality
Paramavadhigyan - Highest level of clairvoyance
Paramatma - Supreme soul; the soul which is absolutely immaculate
Parinaman - Principle of transformation
Parinami - nityavad - Theory of eternality cum non-eternality
Parmeshwar - Supreme Being
Pralaya-kaal - Destructive phase of the world
Pramad - Non vigilance
Pran Kendra - Centre of vital energy
Pratiharya — The eight divine endowments for teerthankars created by deities appointed by Indra
Preksha - To perceive profoundly
Pudgal- Physical substance; matter
Purva - Canonical works propounded before the advent of agam
Pudgalastikay - The extended substance in the form of matter
Purushottam - The supreme among all human beings.
Raag - Attachment
- Drishti raag - Attachment towards one's own principles which is outside Jain principles and not along the path of Veetaraag
- Kaamraag - Attachment towards materialistic things
- Snehraag - Attachment towards children, etc.
Raj katha - Conversation related to administration
Raj hasti - King's elephant
Rathsena - Chariot sena
Ras - Essence or flavour, it connotes a concept in Indian ans about the aesthetic flavour of any visual, literary or musical work, that evokes an emotion or feeling in the reader or audience
- Bhakti Ras - the aesthetic flavour of any visual, literary or musical work, that evokes an emotion or feeling in the reader or audience related to devotion
- ShringarRas - he aesthetic flavour of any visual, literary or musical work, that evokes an emotion or feeling in the reader or audience related to love
- Veer Ras - the aesthetic flavour of any visual, literary or musical work, that evokes heroic emotion or feeling in the reader or audience
- ShaantRas - the aesthetic flavour of any visual, literary or musical work, that evokes an emotion or feeling of serenity, peace, tranquillity in the reader or audience
Sadhana - Spiritual practice
Sadhu - Ascetic, one who undertakes spiritual practise for attainment of moksha
Sadhvi - Female ascetic
Samadhi mamn - Peaceful death
Samhanan - Bone structure, the structure of the hard part of the body (skeleton)
Samachaturasra - The configuration of the body like a square; all body parts are symmetrical
Samata - Equanimity; a balanced and tranquil state of mind
Samavasaran - The place where teerthankars deliver their sermon
Samvedanee - A kind of tale; that tale, which induces detachment words to mundane life, through presenting the transient nature of life depicting it as full of miseries and the body as full of filthy matter
Samayik - Practise of equanimity; to renounce the sinful activities for 48 minutes
Samskara - Impression, inborn faculty
Samya-yogi - practitioner of equanimity
Samsar - Transmigration of soul from one birth to another and so on, on account of karmas which are created by the soul itself
Sansthan - Configuration of body; shape of the body formed by structure of organs in the body
Sapta — sandhan - Literary style narrating seven stories simultaneously
Shakti Kendra - Centre of Energy
Shlok - Verse
Shraddha - Faith
Shok - Misery
Shravak - Layman who follows the path propounded by teerthankars
Shravika- Laywoman who follows the path propounded by teerthankars
Shraman - Ascetic
ShuklaLeshya - The purest state of soul
Siddhi - Specific Power
Simhasan- Superhuman magnificence of the teerthankaras a throne made of crystal; the teerthankaras delivers the sermons by sitting on it
Stotra - Hymn
Stuti - Eulogy
Stutikar - Composer of hymn
Svadhyay - Studying and teaching of scriptural books
Tama - Darkness
Tantra- Mystical formula having spiritual power
Tap - Penance
Teerthyatra - Pilgrimage
Teerthankar - One who establishes 'Teerth', i.e., order constituting monks, nuns, laymenandlaywomen
Terapanth - One of the Iain sects which is led by one Acharya
Tilak - Ornamental mark made on forehead
Tratak - Practice of focusing on one point continuously
Upadan - Main cause, Root cause
Upadhyay - The ascetic who has insight in canons, one who teaches canons
Vaidya - Ayurvedic doctor
Vajrarishabhanarach- A strongest type of bone structure in which there is vajra - pin or nail, rishabha— the bondage of the bones, narach— interlocking of bones on both sides which means the end of the two bones are mutually interlocked and the third bone act as a bondage over them and all the three bones are nailed together
Veer - Heroic
Veetarag- That ascetic whose attachment and aversion have been completely annihilated
Vibhu - Potent
Vikshepanee - A type of tale; that tale through which doctrines of Iain ascetics are established
Vyanjana - Suggestive or ironical sense of a word
Vyapti - Universal concomitance; a necessary co-existence of 1/yapak (what pervades) with vyapya (what is pervaded)
Vyangkavya - Ironical type of poetry
Vyavasaysabha - Study-room of Indra; the place where the Indra consult the books for making decisions
Yagya - Sacrifice, one of the main pillars of the vedic ritual system
Yaksha - Demi-god; Celestial disembodied beings who are believed to inhabit secluded places
Yogajvibhuti - Power
Yogvidya - The science of spirituality and yoga
Yojan - A unit of linear measurement;1 yojan = 4 kosha (which is nearly equal to 7.88 miles)
Yugal - A couple or a pair of five sensed human beings, which is born as a twin brother and sister and die also simultaneously