05.01.2022: Preksha Meditation

Published: 05.01.2022

Posted on 05.01.2022 08:37

What is the use of deep breath perception, wake-fulness or objective observation?

Constant, regular and dedicated perception of breathing over a long period, endows the sadhak with some special benefits. It improves the power of mind to concentrate. It is also useful in removing physical diseases. With the help of deep breathing and wakefulness, the defilements of the mind are, to a great extent, eliminated. From the Spiritual point of view, the most important gain is the weakening of the ‘I’-consciousness, a feeling of self assertion.

Self-pride increases on account of various factors. If this is allowed to grow beyond a certain limit, one’s personality becomes utterly hollow and one has a sense of inner disintegration. The individual then begins to feel that egoism is destroying him, yet he cannot get rid of it. In a situation like that the sadhak who practises perception of deep breathing with full consciousness, succeeds in dissolving his ego. With the disintegration of the ego, wrath and greed also end. Anger and avarice are the two emotions which’ destroy’ the equilibrium of the individual and the community. When these start dissolving, the individual naturally grows tranquil.

~Acharya Mahapragya

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            1. Acharya
            2. Acharya Mahapragya
            3. Anger
            4. Consciousness
            5. Greed
            6. Mahapragya
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            8. Perception of Breathing
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