15.01.2022: Preksha Meditation

Published: 15.01.2022

Posted on 15.01.2022 10:27

Man desires peace. The motive behind each and every activity of his is the attainment of tranquillity. The cosmic mind longs for harmony. Yet there is a great divergence between the nature of peace and the means adopted for achieving it. Actually, What is peace? And on what level can a man find it?

Man lives in two kinds of worlds—the outer world and the inner world. The natural flow of human consciousness is outwards. This consciousness expresses itself through two mediums—the sense organs and the mind. The sense organs perceive the outer world. The eye sees the external surfaces, the ear hears the exterior noises; the nose smells the scents outside; the tongue relishes the external flavours; and the skin experiences the feel of outside things. Likewise, the mind is conditioned by outer impressions.

Thus, man is much more acquainted with the external environment. And even this knowledge of the outside world cannot be said to be complete. Man’s contact with the outer world is limited, but with the inner world, he is not acquainted at all. How can a living being existing only at the level of the senses and the mind come to know of it?

The first step for being acquainted with the inner world is the introversive consciousness. AS long as a man continues with the old, a new beginning cannot be made. Without the opening of a new chapter, no acquaintance with the inner world is possible. And without this acquaintance, there can be no
understanding of the nature of peace, nor its attainment. In order to attain peace, it is absolutely essential for consciousness to turn inwards. Only he who lives at the level of introversion can achieve tranquillity.

~Acharya Mahapragya

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