One truth acquires two sides, two languages and two types of thoughts. If we look at it from the anekantic perspective two truths emerge. In meditation, the body, the speech and the mind are first needed. Then comes the need for food that controls them.
In Indian philosophy a lot has been said about the body. It is perishable. Do not do anything about the body and it can be a despairing perspective. A man may think now that we have the body let us enjoy it to the hilt. Eat a lot, enjoy the spoils of life and relish it. Now we have hardly seen anything. Then how can you say that one must give up the body, not pamper the body, do kayotsarg, do vyutsargand refrain from food that is not digestible!
Those who think otherwise say and think as follows: Why were we born! If we should not eat or drink then why were these things created at all!