Anekanta has a rule: equanimity and balance. If gain is desired then be ready for loss also. If praise is desired then be ready for insults also. If you desire, then accept both or reject both. To desire one of them is foolishness. If you desire life, then desire death too. If you desire joy then desire sorrow too. If you do not want either then keep your equanimity.
It is on this basis of anekanta that you will be able to run your life. Anekanta then will be the moments in your life. There will be no problems there and you can live in peace.
In the dualistic world, one alone cannot do. It is man's nature to over emphasize one and neglect the otter. This happens when he does not awaken to himself, does not know himself. As long as man does not know himself and is not awakened to his self, but is awake only to the material world and knows only the material world, he cannot make this rule operative. This is one base on which equanimity and restraint can work. Once they start working the second rule becomes operative.