1. Tirthankara Adinatha

Published: 22.12.2008
1. Tirthankara 1. Tirthankara Rishabhanatha, Aadinath, Adeshwar, Adinath, Adishvar, Adishwar, Bhagawan Adinath, Rishabdeo, Rishabdev, Rishabh, Rishabha, Rishabhdeva, Rishabhnath, Rishabhnatha, Rsabhanatha, Vṛṣabhanātha, Ādināth, Ṛṣabha, Ṛṣabhadeva, Ṛṣabhanātha


#01 of 24 Tirthankara

Father's Name Nabhi
Mother's Name Marudevi
Birth Place Ayodhya
Birth Tithi Chatra ku. 8
Diksha Tithi Chatra ku. 8
Kevalgyan Tithi falgun ku. 8
Naksharta Uttrashadha
Diksha Sathi 4000
Shadhak Jeevan 1,00,000 purva
Age Lived 84,00,000 purva
Lakshan Sign Vrushabha
Neervan Place Asthapad
Neervan Sathi 10000
Neervan Tithi madha ku. 13

Rishabha (Rsabha) was the first Jina hence he is often called Adi-natha. He is mentioned in most of the Hindu Puranas, Markandeya, Kurma, Vayu, Garuda, Brahmanda, Varaha, Linga, Vishnu, Skandha etc, with Bhagavat giving the most details. In the past he was always portrayed with long hair.

Rsabha was the first arhat. As a king, he was the pioneer in the fields of agriculture, trade and commerce, and crafts. He developed these for the good of his people. He was the first to set up a social organization and administrative machinery for it. He became an ascetic in pursuit of spiritual attainments and was canonized as an Arhat. Then he began to preach his religion. This event belongs to that period of pre-history when human civilization was in its infancy. Primitive people were being settled in villages in organized communities. Arhat Rsabha lit into every heart the fire, which burnt in himself. The tradition of the arhats was born and it flowed unfettered till the time of Parsva who was a historical figure. The earlier arhats are considered to be pre-historic....

The 24 Tirthankaras


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Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Arhat
  2. Arhats
  3. Ayodhya
  4. Bhagavat
  5. Chatra
  6. Diksha
  7. Jina
  8. Lakshan
  9. Mahavira
  10. Puranas
  11. Purva
  12. Rsabha
  13. Skandha
  14. The Pioneer
  15. Tirthankara
  16. Tirthankaras
  17. Tithi
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