In the year 1999, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam paid his first visit to Acharya Shree Mahapragya as a renowned scientist. He got the first hand and pure knowledge of Jain philosophy during that meeting which lasted for around forty five minutes. The logical and scientific contents of the Jain philosophy left a lasting impression on him. His virtues of politeness, simplicity, congeniality and adaptability remained undiminished even after acquiring the highest office of our country. Abstract of the talks held between the President of India, Dr. Kalam and Mahapragya are -
Dr. Kalam: Swamiji! I intend to eradicate the problems being faced by our country. I need your blessings. I firmly believe that your blessings will enable me to achieve my goals.
Mahapragya: You have made certain declarations during your oath ceremony; you have to mould our nation accordingly.
Dr. Kalam: Yes! Yes!
Mahapragya: Today, nation is facing three major problems -
- Poverty
- Terrorism
- Casteism and Religious fundamentalism.
So long as these problems persist, our nation can not embark upon the journey of peace and development. These problems can not be overcome by the missiles and weapons of destruction but with the 'Madhur-Shastra' (weapon of politeness).
Dr. Kalam: 'Madhur-Shastra'....?
Mahapragya: There is an incident in Mahabharat. Krishna was very disappointed with the rising unrest and discontent among his natives. He discussed them with Narad. The witty Narad advised, "You overcame the enemies with weapons, but to win over your internal problems, you must deploy 'Madhur-Shastra' - the non-destructive weapon of politeness. This alone can bring back the peace."
Dr. Kalam: Swamiji! What you say is correct. Problems like poverty etc. can be resolved by 'Madhur-Shastra' only.
Mahapragya: Today, problems are aggravated due to lack of long-term vision and foresight. We do not think of permanent solutions. We adopt ad-hoc and short-term measures. We simply dress a wound but do not eliminate its root cause. For permanent and effective solutions, scientific attitude is required. Like, it was the long-term vision of our scientists that the nation is in the forefront of world's technology.
The similar policy of scientific attitude must be followed to solve the other problems of our nation. Instead of ad-hoc, permanent and lasting solutions must be found.
Dr. Kalam: We have planned to eradicate poverty and to fully develop the nation within next twenty years. Earlier I did the same planning as a scientist, now I have to accomplish this task as a President. I wish to do this job with the help of our parliament.
Mahapragya: Pioneer of Anuvrat, Acharya Shree Tulsi had said with respect to the religion and sect, "If religion is considered prime and the sect secondary, problems of the nation can be solved." In modern context, I will transform it as, "The problems of the nation can be solved if the nation is considered prime and the party (political) secondary."
Dr. Kalam: (feeling overwelhmed) Swamiji! You are above the fundamentalism. You must convince all the politicians, social and religious leaders, who come to visit you that they must keep national interests above the party politics. Abeyance from petty party politics is necessary to embark the nation of the road of development.
Mahapragya: Sure, I will tell it to all.
Dr. Kalam: Coming from you, it will make a lot of difference.
Mahapragya: You are first a scientist and then a president. I am entrusting you a task, a scientific attitude must be inculcated in all. This alone will be good for nation. Speeches and agitations will do no good.
Dr. Kalam: Swamiji! I will try.
Mahapragya: Only speeches and agitations will not solve the problems, peace and amiability are essential.
Dr. Kalam: A peaceful and amicable environment can be created by the great people like you.
Mahapragya: For communal harmony, we have stressed on two points -
- No community should insult the religious ceremonies of any other community. If possible, they too must generously respect them.
- Entire community must not be revenged for the misdeeds of a few criminals. We cannot convict the entire society.
If these two rules are heartily followed, we can stay together and live peacefully.
Dr. Kalam: I will propagate these principles.
Mahapragya: Poverty, illiteracy and many more problems are there. These cannot be addressed until an environment of peace is established. Amiability and friendship in all will pave the way for permanent solutions.
Dr. Kalam: Swamiji! No one can achieve the communal harmony, brotherhood and reconciliation as skilfully as you can. That is why the nation has lot of expectations from the saints like you. We will totally cooperate with you in this task.