The Founder of the sect Sree Sree 1008 Sree Sree Bhikhanji Swami laid great stress on the purity of character. He was a great disciplinarian and would not bear the slightest infringement of the Rules of Conducto as laid down in the Sastra. Even in his last instructions he impressed on his disciples the importance of the Rules of Conduct and asked them to sever connection with any sadhu or sadhwi, however highly learned he or she might be, if he or she would be found unwilling to follow the rules as laid down in the Sastras. A sadhu in garb only should have no place whatsoever in the Holy Community of Terapanthi sadhus and sadhwis.
The instructions. given by Pujya Swamiji have always served as a beacon light to his successors and all the Acharyyas have been very strict in observing them to the letter and in spirit.
At the time of initiation every Sadhu and every Sadhwi has to undertake the vow to refrain from all sinful activities throughout his or her life. They have to undertake five Great Vows (Mahavratas) and to promise to follow the same strictly throughout life. The essential activities of a Sadhu's life are to be controlled by the Five Samiti$ and the mind, body and speech - the three organs of all activities to be subdued by the three Guptis.
For the interest of the readers we give below in some details, the rules that a Terapanthi Sadhu is to follow throughout his life after initiation: