Education philosophers, whatever their persuasions and approaches are, all agreed that the main aim of education is the all-round development - mental, physical, moral - of the learner.
In actual practice, if not in theory, it is seen that one vital aspect, the attitudinal, or the emotional is usually ignored, in a world full of acute stress and tension, education must, along with other things, be a means of preparing the learner to withstand them and lead a peaceful life. Jeevan Vigyan aims at developing an integrated personality by bringing about a complete transformation in the character of the learner, it assumes that physical and mental health primarily depend on emotional health and the three together make for social health. Mainly practice-oriented, Jeevan Vigyan draws on the findings of various life-sciences physiology, psychology, endocrinology, ecology, sociology as well as nutritional sciences.
With its emphasis of PREKSHA DHYAN, Jeevan Vigyan promises to be a revolutionary technique and an experimental step in education for the integrated development of human personality.