To cleanse the psyche from the dirt of animal impulses, carnal desires, and such other pernicious habits it is essential to know the sources of uncleanliness and its modus operandi. Once we know this, the process of cleansing becomes easy and efficient. We can discuss the process applying the ancient methodology of yoga as well as the methodology of modern science. Our glandular system consists of two types of glands-exocrine and endocrine, the latter being ductless. Their products (called hormones) flow directly into the bloodstream and are distributed by it. The complex of endocrine system includes pineal, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, thymus, adrenals, gonads and pancreatic islets. They participate in every bodily function and have profound influence upon the mental states, tendencies, attitudes, emotions and behavioural patterns of every individual. The quality of our existence requires that there must be some built-in mechanism through which our subtle spiritual self can exercise its authority and control the grosser elements of the physical body. This mechanism must translate the code of intangible and imperceptible forces of the psyche into a form of crude power which can function through the nerves and muscles of the body. Such a mechanism is located in the endocrine glands. They are the intercommunicating transformers between the psychical and the physical cells. The known means of inter-communication are the electrical impulses of the nerve action and the chemical reaction of the hormones and neurohormones. The endocrines are therefore aptly named psychic centres.
It is generally believed that the brain is the source of energy as will as of the psychic forces. But in reality it is only a repository of memories. The endocrine system is the seat of the impulses and emotions of an individual. The endocrine and the nervous system are the two very important systems of our body The function of both is to integrate the organism Close collaboration between the two systems governs mental states, behaviour and habits. The functional interlocking between them qualifies them to be regarded as constituting a single integrated system called the neuroendocrine system. It is this system which comprises the subconscious mind which profoundly influences psychological behaviour and the tendencies of the conscious mind. It is, therefore, obvious that to cleanse the psyche by removing psychological distortions such as cruelty, retaliation, fear, etc. from our habits, we have to find the means of transforming the nature of the chemical messengers, i.e. the hormones. The above-mentioned psychological distortions originate in the adrenals while sex impulses are produced in the gonads.
We can put the same facts in the language of chaitanya kendras (psychic centres).
The following table shows the relation between the endocrines and the chaitanya kendras:
Endocrines | Chaitanya Kendras |
Pineal | Jyoti kendra |
Pituitary | Darsan kendra |
Thyroid | Visuddhi kendra |
Thymus | Anand kendra |
Adrenals | Tejas kendra |
Gonads | Swasthya kendra and Sakti kendra |
Constant and excessive triggering of the lower endocrines, viz. adrenals and gonads results in pernicious habits, affecting our physical and mental health.
The development of the upper endocrines alone can modify the synthesization of the endocrine output and weaken the intensities of the primal drives, thus making them controllable. Constant and regular practice of chaitanya kendra preksha enables the reasoning mind to establish firm control over all actions. The cumulative effect of developing the reasoning mind and weakening the forces of the primal drives will ultimately bring about the desirable transformation in mental behaviour and habits.
Svasa preksha, sarira preksha and chaitanya kendra preksha are tools for developing the power of the reasoning mind. Once the authority of the fully developed reasoning mind is established, it will prevent the recurrence of the old pernicious habits.
On the spiritual level we shall be able to gain self-mastery and attain infinite compassion, bliss and happiness.