Sri Bhikam Chand Pugalia (Secretary Of JVB), Sri Surendra Choraria (President Of JVB), Samani Mangalprajnaji, Sri Lalchand Singhi, Sri Ranjeet Singh Kothari (Chief Trustee Of JVB)
Kolkatta, 9 December 2006.
The prominent name in the world history for giving the true & proper guidance to humanity are 9th & 10th Acharya of Terapanth Jain sect & they are Ganadhipati Shri Tulsi & Acharya Shri Mahapragyaji. Their dreams have taken the shape of JVB, situated in Ladnun (Rajasthan). It is the main centre for research & education of Preksha Meditation, Science of living & is devoted to spread the activities related to education, literature, research service & cultural field.
Sri Lalchand Singhi Convenor of Vikas Parishad
The opening ceremony was started with the inaugural song by the students of Jain Vishwa Bharti. On this auspicious occasion, the blessing message from Acharya Shri Mahapragyaji was read by vice president of JVB - Shri Sumermal Surana & the message of Sadhvipramukha Shri Kanakprabhaji by Vice president Shri Ranjit Singh Baid.
Samani Mangalprajnaji V.C. of JVBI
President of JVB Shri Surender Choradiya, in his welcome speech, shows his heartiest gratitude towards Acharya Shri & gives thanks to Sadhvi Nirvan Sri ji. Also he welcomed Vice-Chancellor of JVBI, Samani Dr. Mangalpragyaji & Coordinator of Vikash Parishad - Shri Lalchand Singhi. He told about JVB that it is the place where the dreams of Acharya Shri Tulsi are taking the shapes. It is that memorable heritage of Gurudev where we can feel him in its every bit. He calls everybody for investing their energy in developing his dream Institute as Kamdehnu.
Sadhvi Nirvan Shree Chanting Mangal-Mantra
The main Trustee of JVB Shri Ranjit Singh Kothari said in his speech that for proper managing the activities of JVB, it was thought to establish one branch in Kolkatta by new committee. And it has been done in short span of time. Shri Surender Choradiya has played a vital role in this. He also assure for future cooperation of trust board to extend the JVB activities.
Samani Mangalprajnaji on chair of new office after inaugaration of JVB branch office
Vice President Shri Vinod Baid in giving brief introduction of JVB said that it was established 35 years ago & has done remarkable work in Jain philosophy & education. But still it requires catching more speed. Jivan Vigyan & Preksha Meditation are the glorious activities of Terapanth sect & the responsibility of its proper conduction on international level is on JVB. And the new team is fully determined to work as per the expectation of Acharya Shri & society in a long term planning. He also asks for support of whole society in this noble task. Welcoming Samani Mangalpragyaji, Shri Singi expected that JVBI would come as a landmark institution under the guidance of Samani Mangalpragyaji. He further said that all related institutions should develop by cooperating each other.
Vice-Chancellor of JVBI, Samani Dr. Mangalpragyaji, discussing the tips for success of work, said that time, energy & helping hands are to be considered while starting any work. Acharya Shri Tulsi many times termed JVB as Kamdhenu who is unique than other cow. Similarly JVB is not an ordinary Institution. She expressed her faith in the new team lead by Mr. Surender Choradia that whole team is capable & have good coordination. She express her thanks towards the gratitude shown by all institutes saying it is not her respect but of Acharya Shri Tulsi & Acharya Shri Mahapragya in whose guidance, they are giving their services to society.
Sadhvi Nirvan shree ji, expressing all good wishes to JVB said that we have to work as per the guidance & wish of Gurudev & to think over various prospects how our society can move towards development. In the spiritual guidance of Pujyavar(H.H), we have to develop spiritual scientific personality. Acharya Shri Tulsi had a dream that JVBI would be lead by Samani group. And now when Samani Dr. Mangalpragyaji becomes the V.C., his dream seems to be true. She is very intellectual & is expert administrator. The institute will touch new heights in her leadership.
Sadhvi Dr. Yogkshem prabhaji while managing (compered) the programmed said that it is matter of happiness for whole Shravak samaj to welcome JVBI Vice-Chancellor Samani Dr. Mangalpragyaji. She expresses her best wishes that institute will open new gateways of development in her effective leadership with the working style of Shri Surender ji Choradiya.
Thanks speech was given by Shri Surender Borad.![](/fe/media/image/13/133e9971b1acfce0040dc8dcd2be1fdd2a0fd30f.jpeg)
Front Side of JVB Kolkata