Nirvartana nikshepa samyoga nisarga dvichaturdvi tribhedah param (9)
When our environment (the ajiva-elements) prompts us to act, we shape these karmic effects by- the way we create actions, objects, thoughts etc.
- the way we place objects
- the way we combine objects and
- the means we choose for carrying out an action. (9)
The way we create actions, objects, thoughts etc.
The creation of non-material actions (ideas, thoughts, sounds etc.) produces different karmic effects than the creation of primarily material objects (pictures, utensils, buildings etc.).
The way we place objects
- Placing objects carelessly without paying attention where we set them down
- placing objects without first clearing the space where we want to put them (this may injure or kill small animals)
- placing an object in haste
- placing an object in a spot where it does not belong though we have enough time to put it in its proper place
intensifies karmic effects.
The way we combine objects
Mixing two or more substances to form a new substance (e.g. food or drink) produces different karmic effects than when we arrange activities to cause an action or for creating an effect.
The means we use for carrying out an action
The physical medium - body, speech or mind - we use for carrying out an action also influences its karmic effects.
* * *
These first nine sutras describe the general mechanisms that attach karmic matter to our interactive karmic field. Knowing these mechanisms enables us to identify what types of action attract karma and how our moods and emotions intensify karmic effects. Where before we saw ourselves as victims of a seemingly erratic and uncontrollable 'fate', we now can actively check negative effects and consciously apply these mechanisms for our growth.
The chapter continues to describe types of actions and attitudes that cause more intense and long lasting attachment between karma and our consciousness.