27.10.2015 ►Acharya Shri VidyaSagar Ji Maharaj ke bhakt ►News

Published: 27.10.2015
Updated: 05.01.2017


Source: © Facebook

एक आश्चर्यपूर्ण जानकारी:
सन् 1934 में शरद पूर्णिमा को जन्मी बालिका आज गणिनी आर्यिका श्री ज्ञानमती माताजी के रूप में हमारे सामने हैं।
उनके जन्म के बारह वर्ष बाद सन् 1946 में आज के ही दिन बालक विद्याधर का जन्म हुआ जो इस सदी के महानतम आचार्य हैं। इसी दिन भट्टारक श्री चारुकीर्ति स्वामी जी का जन्म हुआ।
इनके बारह वर्ष बाद सन् 1958 में बालक शांतिनाथ का जन्म हुआ जो पूज्य मुनि श्री समय सागर जी हुए।
इनके बारह वर्ष बाद सन् 1970 में जन्मे बालक आज मुनि श्री पूज्य सागर जी के रूप में आचार्य संघ में दीक्षित हुए।

Source: © Facebook

today pic!! ❖ आज बीना बारह जी में परम पूज्य आचार्य श्री विद्यासागरजी महाराज के दर्शन के लोगों का विशाल जन समूह पहुँचा ।आचार्य श्री जी भक्ति करते हुए भक्त गण । today picture @ BinaBarah!!:) ❖ share it maximum

♫ www.jinvaani.org @ Jainism' e-Storehouse, Have DharmaLabh!

Source: © Facebook

❖ आज बीना बारह जी में परम पूज्य आचार्य श्री विद्यासागरजी महाराज के दर्शन के लोगों का विशाल जन समूह पहुँचा ।आचार्य श्री जी भक्ति करते हुए भक्त गण । today picture @ BinaBarah!!:) ❖

♫ www.jinvaani.org @ Jainism' e-Storehouse, Have DharmaLabh!

Source: © Facebook

✿ Loftiness of Diwali, Festival of lights in Jainism, Viva Mahavira Svami!

This picture was taken in Nandhyavart Mahal, Kundalpur, BIhar. Mahavir (599-527 BC) was the twenty-fourth and the last Tirthankara of the Jain religion. According to Jain philosophy, all Tirthankaras were born as human beings but they have attained a state of perfection or enlightenment through meditation and self realization. They are the Gods of Jains.

Jainism existed before Tirthankara Mahavira. He was one of the supreme teacher (Tirthanakara) and a reformer but due to ignorance of scriptures, manuscripts and history misconceptions considered founder of Jainism. However, now has been amendments to the history and accepted esistance of Tirthankara Parsvanatha preceded Lord Mahavira by 25O years, now has been publishing Tirthankara Adinatha first Tirthankara as in Jain literature explores.

Divali [splendor of lamps] in Jainism is the jubilation to commemorate the salvation, According Harivansa Purana, Tirthankara Mahavira Swami had attained Nirvana just before the dawn of the Amavasya (new moon, early next morning) and According to Uttara Purana, The chief disciple of Mahavira, Gautama Svami Ganaghara also had attained complete knowledge or enlightenment (Kevalajnana) on this day in evening [dusk time]. Thus, the making Divali one of the most important Jain festivals.

On that day Mahavira attained emancipation and relinquished this universe forever. He sat on the salvation. He will never return from there. His emancipation caused extinguishes of Bhav Deepak [darkness] and turned the atmosphere into darkness and hence those who were present at that time lighted Dravya dīpaka [clarified butter’s lamp]. Dipavalee festival since then commenced for Jains. It is celebration of Nirvana of Tirthankara Mahavira and Kevalajnana of mahavira chief disciple Gautama Ganadhara. It is not an enjoyment of worldly pleasures, isn’t it? We also have to wish get salvation as early as can break the karmic bondage.

Dipalika roughly translates as "light leaving the body". Dipalika, which can be roughly translated as "Splendiferous light of lamps", is used interchangeably with the word "Divali".

Divali is the first referred in Harivansa purana written by Acarya Jinasena as dipalika (splendour of lamps). In his words the gods illuminated Pavagiri by lamps to mark the occasion. Since that time, the people of India celebrate the famous festival of Dipalika to worship the Jinendra (i.e. Lord Mahavira) on the occasion of his Nirvana: As Acarya Sri Pujyapada svami mentioned in the Nirvana bhakti - Tirthanakra Mahavira had break the all karmic bondage and attainted Nirvana from Jala-mandira, Pavapuri nagara, Bihara Pranta.

Dipak is a symbol of light of attainment of enlightens & we’ve to abolition of darkness fascination to get complete knowledge.

Unique way of celebration: Jains as a religion gives more stress on simplicity. Unlike other religious practices in India, who celebrate Diwali with lots of fire crackers, noise, songs and dances, Jainism follows a different form of celebration altogether. To them, physical triumph and pomp are just worldly emotions of joy and gratification. In many temples special Laḍḍūs [a type of sweet] are offered particularly on this day.

SOURCE: Article compilation by Nipun Jain [ with taking transpiration from various magazines ]

♫ www.jinvaani.org @ Jainism' e-Storehouse, Have DharmaLabh!

News in Hindi

Source: © Facebook

✿ क्या आप भी दीवाली ऐसे ही मनाते है? अगर हा तो फिर दीवाली नहीं, दीवाली के नाम पर अपनी आत्मा का दिवाला मनाते हो ~ मुनि श्री निर्णय सागर जी महाराज द्वारा लिखित कविता [संघस्थ: आचार्य श्री विद्यासागर जी महाराज]

वर्ष में एक बार मनाते है,
महावीर के सन्देश
(जियो और जीने दो)
जन जन को सुनाते है!
उन्ही दिनों हम
उस पर कहा चल पाते है!
सारी रात
अपने ही हाथ
आतिशबाजी चलाते है
लाखो जीवो का जीवन मिटाते है!
हमारे नोजवान साथी
कहा जुआ छोड़ पाते है?
वह तो जुए में सारी रात जग जाते है!
न मालूम, हम ऐसे
कितने पाप कमाते है?
कहा हम दिवाली मनाते है?
सब लोक घरो में,
मिठाइयाँ खाते है और
दीपक की रौशनी लगाते है,
फिर भी, जीवन में
प्रकाश नहीं
अँधेरा ही पाते है
कहा हम दिवाली मनाते है?
बुरा न मानो
हम दिवाली के नाम पर
महावीर को लजाते है
यूँही जीवन के कई वर्ष निकल जाते है!
न हम दिवाली मना पाते है,
न हम महावीर को मान पाते है!

~~~ ये कविता सिर्फ पढने या पढ़कर शाबाशी के लिए नहीं वरन, चिंतन करने के लिए है जरा सोचो क्या होना चाहिए दीवाली पर और हो क्या रहा है हमारे द्वारा....

♫ www.jinvaani.org @ Jainism' e-Storehouse, Have DharmaLabh!

Source: © Facebook

✿ Tirthankara foremost & fundamental rule 'Ahinsa Paramo Dharma' ~ Live life with Let Live ideology ~ Say “NO” to “FIRECRACKERS”

li devoid of firecrackers: Harm Effect Of Firecrackers Commonly Is Visible Plenty At Worthily & Then What Would Be Indirect Affects Us Can’t Imagine Just Have To Think Before Fire To A Sky shoot Or Bomb…

Let each one of us take a pledge this Diwali to say NO to firecrackers and invest in a safer and greener future. Diwali is the festival of lights and we must enlighten our lives with the sparkle of joy and goodwill, forget past grievances and look ahead towards a brighter and happier future.

Come Diwali and one can hear the sounds of firecrackers exploding from all directions. People of all age groups are fascinated with firecrackers, which form a prominent part of the Diwali celebrations. Firecrackers are known to cause air pollution as well as noise pollution and are extremely harmful for senior citizens and small children.

“Pets such as dogs and cats also suffer on account of firecrackers as animals have a more sensitive sense of hearing than humans.” It is important for each one of us to act as responsible citizens and discourage the use of firecrackers.

Firecrackers can cause hearing loss, high blood pressure, sleeping disturbances and sudden exposure to loud noise can cause temporary or permanent deafness or even result in heart attack. Nausea and mental impairment are also some of the side effects of firecrackers.

According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) a non-profit organization, awareness should be created for the masses. People need to understand that bursting firecrackers is not trendy anymore. It is important for the government to organize anti-firecracker campaigns and discourage people from bursting firecrackers.

♫ www.jinvaani.org @ Jainism' e-Storehouse, Have DharmaLabh!

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Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Acarya
  2. Bhakti
  3. Bihar
  4. Body
  5. Divali
  6. Diwali
  7. Dravya
  8. Ganadhara
  9. Gautama
  10. Jain Philosophy
  11. Jainism
  12. JinVaani
  13. Jinasena
  14. Jinendra
  15. Kundalpur
  16. Mahavir
  17. Mahavira
  18. Meditation
  19. Nipun Jain
  20. Nirvana
  21. PETA
  22. Parsvanatha
  23. Pavapuri
  24. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
  25. Pujyapada
  26. Swami
  27. Tirthankara
  28. Tirthankaras
  29. आचार्य
  30. दर्शन
  31. दिवाली
  32. महावीर
  33. सागर
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