03.09.2016 ►JAINA ►Special Newsletter - Paryushan Day 5

Published: 03.09.2016
Updated: 05.09.2016

Federation Of Jain Associations in North America

President's Message
Jai Jinendra!

Today is the fifth day of Parvadhiraj Paryushan Parva. The day reminds us of great mother Trishla who had been blessed to give birth to Bhagwan Mahavir and had seen 14 symbols in her dream.

Congratulation to JAINA Convention team for record registration of 1000 attendees within first 48 hours!


Ashok Domadia
JAINA President
Chairman - JAINA BOD
Quote - Paryushan Day  5

Every soul is in itself absolutely omniscient and blissful. The bliss does not come from outside.

- Bhagwan Mahavir


There are several instances in our day to day life where someone or the other makes a mistake and we have to suffer. What do we do then? Do we forgive the person who has made the mistake? Generally we don’t. Even if we don’t take any actions against him we generate harsh feelings against him.

Ahimsa is the essence of Jainism. Any act of disturbance like giving pain, stealing telling lies, cheating etc come under the category of Hinsa (violence). If an ant is walking at ease on the floor of my house and I take care of not keeping my foot on it, it means that I respect the life of the ant and the creation of the creator. Therefore even this small thing is an act of Ahimsa.

Without Aparigraha, ahimsa is incomplete. It is the principle of staying happy with minimum things. And it is true that those who are content with minimum things are actually happy and stay in peace. We have formed a habit of buying things that we do not need. Ours is a money spending culture, where the rich buys more and more unnecessary things. For attaining these unnecessary things we have to earn a lot of money for which we are ready to go to any extent. Therefore, if we follow the principle of Aparigraha then following Ahimsa would be easier.

Anekant simply means respecting the views, ideologies, and faiths of others. It seeks to harmonize and reconcile all conflicting view points. The strength of Anekantavada lies in its openness, clarity and impartiality.

All the remedies of problems of the world lies in the triple gems of Ahimsa, Aparigraha and Anekant.

JAINA Convention 2017 update
You may be aware that 2017 JAINA convention registration began on the 29th and we are very excited to let you know that the registrations have come from all over the US and Canada. In the first 48 hours 1,000 persons have registered and it is going strong even after the early registration window closed.

We were also surprised by number of hotel rooms that were booked so quickly that three hotels got filled in the same period. Fourth hotel is available at present. Our team is working hard to open up more hotels in the coming days. If you were not able to get a hotel booking, don’t be discouraged - just visit the registration site again and you will see additional hotels appearing periodically.

Use to register and remember to check "Volunteer" box.

Gunvant Shah
Convener, JAINA Convention 2017

Useful Links:

Pratikraman Introduction in English:    Pratikraman Explanation of Ritual in English:       

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              Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
              1. Ahimsa
              2. Anekant
              3. Anekantavada
              4. Aparigraha
              5. Bhagwan Mahavir
              6. Essence of Jainism
              7. Federation of Jain Associations in North America
              8. Hinsa
              9. JAINA
              10. JAINA Convention
              11. JAINA Convention 2017
              12. Jaina
              13. Jainism
              14. Jinendra
              15. Mahavir
              16. Omniscient
              17. Parva
              18. Paryushan
              19. Paryushan Parva
              20. Pratikraman
              21. Soul
              22. Violence
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