20.10.2016 ►JAINA ►Newsletter

Published: 21.10.2016
Updated: 21.10.2016

Federation Of Jain Associations in North America

President's Message

Jai Jinendra!

A new Jainism Chair has been installed at University of North Texas in Dallas. We now have Jain studies being offered in 10 major academic institutions. We are thus increasingly sharing Jain values with our inter-faith Communities across USA through such programs.

Thanks to all who submitted essays on “Practicing Ahimsa in our daily life”. Congratulations to Rachna Shah, a teenager from Chicago, for her outstanding essay which is published below.


Ashok Domadia
JAINA President
Chairman - JAINA BOD
Quote of the week

If one's vision is capable of expelling the darkness, he would not need a lamp. Likewise the soul itself being blissful, there is no need of external object for bliss.

- Mahavira (Pravachansara, 1/67)

KNOW YOUR TIRTHANKAR - Sumatinath Bhagwan

Sumatinath Bhagwan was the fifth tirthankar of this Avsarpinikaal. Sumatinath Bhagwan was born to King Megh and Queen Sumangla at Ayodhya. His place of Nirvaan is Sammetshikhar. His symbol is Goose. The counting of Bhav (births) starts after gaining Samyak Darshan. Sumatinath Bhagwan took 3 bhavs to attain liberation.

Once upon a time a trader went to earn money with his two wives. While returning the trader died in an accident,leaving his only son has heir. The son was bought up by both the wives of the trader. As time passed the other wife who had no child started feeling insecured for her future as the son was the only heir and eventually she wouldn’t get any of her husband’s wealth. As a result of this, she started claiming that the child belonged to her and she was the real mother. This fight took them to King Meghrath. For the King and his courtiers, it was next to impossible to decide who the real mother was. After a lot of discussion the court astrologer came to a conclusion and said that Queen Sumangala was going to give birth to a Tirthhankar and would be possible for the Tirthankar to decide who the real mother was due to Avdhik Gyan. After listening to this the real mother immediately reacted and requested for a faster judgment as she wasn’t ready to keep her child with the other wife even for a moment. As soon as she said this, Queen Sumangala who was in the court, suddenly realized the importance of what the real mother was saying and also noticed that the other wife was silent. She immediately told King Megrath and justice was done to the real mother. This was only possible due to her child who had a soul of a Tirthankar and that is why he was named Sumatinath Bhagwan because Sumati means intelligence.

He had 100 Gandhar and his topic of first sermon was Ekatva Bhavna. He preaches about the importance of Ekatva Bhavna which means that each human being comes alone and goes alone and as such also each one has to pay for his own deeds alone. Even a person does any misdeed for his earnings and the benefits are enjoyed by all members of family but he has to alone suffer for this misdeed.

Installation Ceremony of the “Bhagwan Adinath Professorship of Jain Studies” at UNT
“By endowing this Chair, you have done a great deal in keeping alive and publicizing a very vital and relevant part of the intellectual heritage of humanity,” so said Dr. Anupam Ray, the Indian Consul General based in Houston, who was the Chief Guest at the Installation Ceremony of the “Bhagwan Adinath Professorship of Jain Studies” at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas on September 30, 2016.

In Dr. Ray’s words, this ceremony celebrated “learning, life, America, India, the Jain faith, and philanthropy” all rolled into one. It was attended by about 250-300 people including the Inaugural Bhagwan Adinath Professor, Dr. George James; the UNT President, Dr. Neal Smatresk, and the Dean of its College of Arts & Sciences, Dr. David Holdeman; JAINA Leaders, Jain Education and Research Foundation leaders; and the members of the Jain communities of Dallas and Miami.


Thanks to all the participants for their valuable inputs on Practicing Ahimsa in our Daily Life. We received many entries and winning essay is published below.

Practicing Ahimsa In Our Daily Life

Ahimsa is a fundamental principle of Jainism. However, it extends far beyond its literal translation - non-violence - to encompass compassion and understanding, in its application to our lives on a day-to-day basis. You should respect all other living beings as by hurting other living beings, you are inflicting harm upon your own soul. Yet Ahimsa does not only refer to the cessation and prevention of physical harm, but the damage that can be inflicted by verbal or mental means. Ascetics are able to practice Ahimsa to an extent to which Lay Jains find themselves unable to reach.

Nonetheless, there are several ways in which you can practice Ahimsa in your daily life. You can prevent physical harm to other life forms, by adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet. Make sure not to injure life forms when walking and preparing food, or in your daily work. Do not obtain possessions that have been attained through the harm of animals, such as furs and leather. By following these suggestions, you can protect the animals and the environment around you simply by being more careful.

You can also help the planet by being mindful. Hoarding and becoming attached and driven by possessions will clutter your mind. Instead, practice yoga and meditation, and undergo austerities such as fasting and prayers. These practices will assist you in the reduction of harmful thoughts about others and yourself. Ahimsa extends to entail not even having the motive to inflict harm upon others. Your desires should be pure - thus, do not steal, cheat, or lie. You should also help those around you by not encouraging or condoning their offensive or violent actions. By practicing Ahimsa in your daily life, you are crafting a better world for yourself as well as those around you.

Rachna Shah
South Barrington, IL.

Jain Study Center of North Carolina
Jain Study Center of North Carolina had organized Camp Lalit in first week of October. It turned out to be gorgeous; a great environment for soaking in our religious teachings. Camp Lalit was another success this year. Samaniji Vikas Pragyaji and Samaniji Maryada Pragyaji, who led in several discourses, with the main topic on 'Understanding Joy and Sorrow'. Samaniji Maryada Pragyaji also led the kids on some great interactive teachings of Jainism and a fun use of Cricket to learn about Jainism!


Are you a leader who enjoys making a difference? Do you enjoy community organizing in meaningful ways? Interested in leaving behind a legacy?

Young Jain Professionals is accepting applications for the 2017 Executive Board! This is a fantastic opportunity to get involved with YJP and give back to the community. Be part of an amazing team to help Jain professionals’ network and inspire each other.

For more information, please contact your 2016 YJP Co-Chairs:
Neal Daftary -
Purvin Vakharwala -


YJA recently finished taking in applications for Local Representatives - these are youth who give their time to be leaders in organizing YJA programs and events in their communities all across the country. We are lucky to have dozens of LRs supporting our Regional Coordinators and helping connect as many youth as we can reach!

Want to exercise your creative side for YJA? Enter our Logo Contest - submit a design that could become the new face of our organization! Details can be found at and submissions are due by November 1st, 2016. We can't wait to see your ideas!

Jain Story: Anand Shravak
Once upon a time, there lived a king named Jitshatru in the city of Vanijya. There also lived a rich householder named Anand in the same city. He was so rich that he had 4 million gold coins, an equal amount of cash, an equal amount already invested in business, lots of jewelry, and many other assets. He also owned 40,000 cows. He was highly respected by the king as well as the people of the town.

One day, Bhagwan Mahavir visited this town and gave a sermon. After listening the sermon of Bhagwan Mahavir, Anand decided to accept the twelve vows of a householder. Anand observed these vows for fourteen years and then decided to renounce worldly affairs. So he talked to his children, handed over all his businesses and family responsibilities to them, and told them…


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  • Institutions
    • Federation of Jain Associations in North America [JAINA]
      • Page glossary
        Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
        1. Adinath
        2. Ahimsa
        3. Anand
        4. Ayodhya
        5. Bhagwan Mahavir
        6. Bhavna
        7. Chicago
        8. Darshan
        9. Denton
        10. Ekatva
        11. Ekatva Bhavna
        12. Environment
        13. Fasting
        14. Federation of Jain Associations in North America
        15. Gandhar
        16. Gyan
        17. Houston
        18. JAINA
        19. Jain Education
        20. Jain Education and Research Foundation
        21. Jaina
        22. Jainism
        23. Jinendra
        24. Mahavir
        25. Mahavira
        26. Maryada
        27. Meditation
        28. Miami
        29. Non-violence
        30. Samyak Darshan
        31. Shravak
        32. Soul
        33. Sumati
        34. Sumatinath
        35. Tirthankar
        36. Twelve Vows Of A Householder
        37. UNT
        38. University of North Texas
        39. Vegan
        40. YJA
        41. YJP
        42. Yoga
        43. Young Jain Professionals
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