Published: 29.10.2016
Updated: 29.10.2016

Federation Of Jain Associations in North America

Jai Jinendra!

Wish you and your family Happy Diwali and spiritually enlightening New Year! The mode and significance of Diwali Parva is multi-faceted, varying according to mythology and scriptures. In Jainism, Diwali is celebrated to commemorate the attainment of Moksha by Bhagwan Mahavir. The act of illuminating homes and temples with lamps to celebrate this parva guides us to light up our inner vision by implementing the path preached by Bhagwan Mahavir.

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Ashok Domadia
JAINA President
Chairman - JAINA BOD
Where there is neither pain nor pleasure, neither suffering nor obstacle, neither birth nor death, there is Nirvana.

- Bhagwan Mahavir

Mahavir Nirvana Kalyanak Divas is one of the most important day in our calender. On this day Bhagwan Mahavir, the 24th Jain Tirthankar had attained the bliss of Nirvana (liberation) on the dawn of Amavasya of the Ashwin month 527 B.C. at Pawapuri. To this day, this occasion is celebrated as Diwali, the festival of lights, symbolising the perpetuation and universalisation of His truth-revealing and soul-illuminating light of knowledge, in His physical absence.

This is the last day of the Hindu and Jain calendar year. The celebration involves fasting, recitals of hymns and reading of Uttaradhyayan Sutra, which contains the last sermon of Bhagwan Mahavir.

New Year begins with a glorification of Gautam Swami (chief disciple of Bhagwan Mahavir) and we listen to the Nine Stotras. Bhagwan Mahavir is worshiped on this day and sacred scriptures are recited. Devotees assemble at Pawapuri (Bihar) to offer their prayers as Pawapuri was the place where Bhagwan attained Nirvana, this Parva is also celebrated with great gusto in Girnar (Gujarat) and also worldwide.

From a social aspect the occasion is celebrated in a traditional manner by greeting and offering sweets to the loved ones. The Jain year starts with Pratipada (a day after Diwali).
Shri Uttaradhyayan Sutra is revered as Bhagwan Mahavira’s last sermon. where in He imparted invaluable knowledge continuously for 48 hours before attaining nirvan in Pawapuri. It was about 1000 years later that Shri Devardhigani Kshamashramanji compiled this immortal treasure-trove of wisdom in its present form, which has been preserved till date. Through 36 chapters Shri Uttaradhyayan Sutra offers insights into a variety of subjects ranging from fundamental doctrines of Jainism and Jain Codes of Conduct, to interesting narratives that nourish spirituality.

Similarly we all should follow Uttradhyan sutra as it was last sermon of our Bhagwan. Today in many temples worldwide, Uttradhyan sutra is worshipped on the day of Mahavir Nirvaan Kalyanak- Diwali.

The first chapter of Uttradhyan Sutra starts with Vinay –Respect to our Tirthankars, Dharmaguru and Kevli Prarupit Dharma. The last chapter is on Jiva Jiv Pravibhakti- means here Bhagwan has explicitly mentioned divisions and sub divisions of Living and non living beings.

There are 4 types of Anuyog accoding to Anuyog Dwar Sutra. They are as follows-
1. Dravyanuyog- it includes those Aagams which deals with 6 dravyas and 9 tatvas for example Jivabhigam Sutra, Uvavai Sutra.
2. Charankarnanuyog- it includes those Aagams which deals with the aachar/characters of monkhs. For example Acharang Sutra
3. Ganitanuyog- it inclides those Aagams which deals with the length, sizes, numbers and calculations of Sashwat(permanent) things like Devlok, Dweep and samudras and naralok etc. for example Janbudweep Pragyapti Sutra, Chandrappragyapti Sutra.
4. Dharmakathanuyog- it includes those Aagams which deals with religious stories. For example Gyatadharmakatha Sutra, Vipak Sutra.

Out of all the Aagams, Uttradhyan Sutra is the only Aagam in which all the 4 Anuyog are included.

1. Swadhyay of Dravyanuyog purifies our darshan/smaiyktva.
2. Swadhyay of Charankarnanuyog purifies our Character/Charitra.
3. Swadhyaya of Ganitanuyog increases concentration power.
4. Swadhyay of Dharmakathanuyog purifies our Knowledge/Gyan, Darshan and Character/Charitra and also strengthens our belief.

Therefore once in our life time we all should go through Utradhyan Sutra.
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JAINA is the largest Jain Organisation Outside India.




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15,000 families

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Jain Digest Magazine

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JAINA Convention

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JAINA eNews letter

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JAINA continues to strive to expand its programmes and offerings to the Jain community of North America. JAINA's mission is to spread the principles of Jainism to maximum homes and especially our youths and children. In order to meet our mission and provide services to the community, JAINA relies on community members for their valuable support. Without your support JAINA would not have achieved any of its goals.

JAINA request you to contribute generously to JAINA General Fund. Each Donor's name would be published in our website, next newsletter, and social media where JAINA has prominent presence as Anumodna

JAINA acknowledges the valuable contributions of the following Donors to-date:
  • Usha & Mahesh Wadher ($5,000)
  • Jyoti & Ashok Domadia ($2,525)
  • Sulochana & Gunvant Shah ($1,008)
  • Mamta & Ashok Shaha ($1,000)
  • Kirtida & Prakash Mehta ($501)
  • Swati & Haresh Shah ($501)
  • Dr. Raj Patil ($351)
  • Rita & Ketan Sheth ($351)
  • Bhanumati Chhabil Mehta ($251)
  • Arvind Mohanlal Shah ($101)
  • Sudha Shailesh Shah ($101)
  • Prerit Shah ($21)
  • Sharad Jain ($20)
  • Ajay Doshi ($11)
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  • Institutions
    • Federation of Jain Associations in North America [JAINA]
      • Page glossary
        Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
        1. Aagam
        2. Aagams
        3. Acharang
        4. Bhagwan Mahavir
        5. Bhagwan Mahavira
        6. Bihar
        7. Concentration
        8. Darshan
        9. Dharma
        10. Diwali
        11. Dravyas
        12. Fasting
        13. Federation of Jain Associations in North America
        14. Gautam Swami
        15. Girnar
        16. Gujarat
        17. JAINA
        18. JAINA Convention
        19. JITO
        20. Jain Calendar
        21. Jain Digest
        22. Jaina
        23. Jainism
        24. Jinendra
        25. Jiv
        26. Jiva
        27. Kalyanak
        28. Mahavir
        29. Mahavira
        30. Moksha
        31. Nirvana
        32. Nirvana Kalyanak
        33. Palitana
        34. Parliament of World Religions
        35. Parva
        36. Pathshala
        37. Pawapuri
        38. Sutra
        39. Swadhyay
        40. Swadhyaya
        41. Swami
        42. Tirthankar
        43. Tirthankars
        44. Uttaradhyayan
        45. Vinay
        46. Vipak
        47. YJA
        48. Young Jain Professionals
        49. Young Jains
        50. Young Jains Of America
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