16.09.2017 ►JAINA ►Newsletter

Published: 16.09.2017
Updated: 17.09.2017

Federation Of Jain Associations in North America


Jai Jinendra!

US has been hit by two calamities back to back, and lot of Jain families have been affected. Many centers came forward with immediate help and JAINA officials are also in regular touch with those affected and trying their best to help them. Till now the total damage has not yet been accessed but our members have overwhelmingly come forward to lend their hand in this time of emergency.

JAINA Education Committee and Jain Study Center of North Carolina have jointly organized a workshop from Friday October 6, 2017 to Sunday October 8, 2017. We request each center to sponsor one or two teachers for this workshop and also send the information to their members. Please see details else where in this newsletter.

Warm Regards,
Gunvant Shah
JAINA President


Other beings perceive through their senses whereas, the Sramana perceives through the Agama

- Bhagwan Mahavir


Jain Center Of Northern California had beautiful Aangis during Paryushan Parva 2017.

Jain Center of Greater Boston celebrated Paryushan and Das Lakshan with great enthusiasm and spirit. For this year’s Paryushan pravachan, we were fortunate enough to have Sadhviji Dr. Sahejaji with us who believes that religion should not be confined to traditions but also be practiced in our daily conduct. Sadhviji’s morning pravachan covered "Loggass Sutra Vivechan" and evening pravachan were about Life of Lord Mahavir from different angles. Specially focusing the children, Sadhviji encouraged us to celebrate Mahavir Janm Mahotsav and conducted Pratikraman in simple English so children could grasp the essence of Pratikraman.

For this year’s Das Lakshan pravachan, we invited Pandit Tikamchandji Jain who possesses great breadth and depth on Jainology. Panditji’s daily pravachan covered Panchastika book and ten Dharma. Panditji also conducted Panch Parmeshthi Vidhan which is probably the largest vidhan conducted at JCGB this year.

At the end of Paryushan and Das Lakshan, we had a Kshmavani Day Celebration. The program included Kshamavani message, rewards to children for doing small austerities and Tapasvis' bahuman, followed by Sangh Swamivatslya.



This is a shrine on a platform with five sculptures made of black marble in standing meditative posture.

There is an interesting story about one of them. His name was Thavaccha-putra.

He heard a sermon by Neminath, our 22nd tirthankar and was so moved that he decided to renounce his 32 wives and all his wealth of 320 million gold coins. When his mother heard that her only son was going to renounce the world, she begged King Krishna to talk to him and stop him.

Krishna asked Thavaccha-putra his reason for renunciation, he answered that he had only one fear and that was the fear of death.

He told Krishna that if he, Krishna, can rid him of his fear, he would not renounce this world. Otherwise he would renounce and overcome this fear with severe penance.

He would strive to attain salvation and put an end to the cycle of birth and death.

This then would be his last death. And, this in fact would be death of death itself.

Krishna was pleased and announced that he would financially support families of men who wished to accompany Thavaccha-putra in renouncing the world.

Thavaccha-putra eventually became an Acharya, a religious leader and ultimately attained salvation here.

Isn’t an inspiring story?

Our next stop is step 2951. If you were listening to this story and continued walking, we may have passed theshrine but hope you can keep walking and listening to the next story.

Click to read the story & listen to an amazing audio clip in or



Long time a go in the city of Rajpur, lived a man named Kulaputra. He had a close friend Jaindas who followed Jain religion. One day Kulaputra went with his friend to listen to the sermon from his spiritual teacher. He was impressed by the principle of Ahimsa (non-violence) illustrated by the monk and he decided to take a vow not to eat fish no matter what.

Soon there was a severe drought in the city. Grain became scarce, so most people of the town lived on fish as a food. Before long, even the strictest vegetarians changed their diet. Fish became the main source of food. This situation challenged Kulaputra's commitment of his vow. Many days passed by when there was hardly any food in the house, but he did not break his vow. One day his wife got frustrated and said,
"Can't you see that our children are starving?
Don't you feel for them?
Please buy some fish, so I can feed them."




A so-called learned man approached a saint and began to exhibit his knowledge. He continued for a quite long time and at last said to the saint, “I too want to learn from you”. The men were thirsty. The saint put before him an empty glass and asked him to add water into the glass. The learned man obliged and filled the glass with water. Then the saint posed a question.
“Is there possibility for more water here?”
The natural answer was ‘No’.

“Why” asked the saint.

“As the glass is already full” answered the so-called learned man. The saint said, “Like this your mind is also full and so you can’t take anything more from me. If you really want to receive from me in that case you will have to unload what you keep”.


  • 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cardamom (elaichi) powder
  • 1/4 cup melted ghee
For Garnish: Almond slivers

  1. In a pan, heat the ghee and add the wheat flour. Roast the flour till 2-3 minutes on low flame. Keep stirring the flour to avoid the flour to burn.
  2. Add the sugar, cardamom powder and 3/4 cup of water and keep stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Mix well.
  3. Taste it and add sugar if necessary.
  4. Garnish with almond slivers serve hot.

Alka Raju Shah
10 Upvas
Kansas City Jain Sangh
Binal Shah
9 Upvas
Navin S. Dedhia
9 Upvas
Rashi Haria
9 Upvas
Rahul Dedhia
9 Upvas
Kansas City Jain Sangh
Rishi Paras Shah
9 Upvas
Kansas City Jain Sangh
Jayesh Jain
8 Upvas
Madhavi Mehul Vora
8 Upvas
Kansas City Jain Sangh
Nipa Rahul Dedhia
8 Upvas
Kansas City Jain Sangh
Parag Shah
8 Upvas
Rakesh Jain
8 Upvas
Ruchi Haria
8 Upvas
Sarojben Dagli
8 Upvas


JAINA Education Committee and Jain Study Center of North Carolina have jointly organized the following workshop from Friday October 6, 2017 to Sunday October 8, 2017..

Workshop Theme
STRIKING A BALANCE: - EXAMINING Social, Cultural, and Spiritual environment that our youth face while growing up in North America

To educate both adults and youth (over 14 years of age) with regards to the fundamental principles and philosophy of Jainism and how to apply these principles in all walks of life through practical examples. This includes social, business, family, ethical, religious and spiritual environment.

Workshop Registration and Fee
The registration fee is $50.00 per person.

Registration Form:

For more information please call or send us an e-mail Pravin K Shah and Rajesh Salecha
Jaina Education Committee 919 889 1900 Cell.


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          Page glossary
          Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
          1. Acharya
          2. Agama
          3. Ahimsa
          4. Bhagwan Mahavir
          5. Das
          6. Das Lakshan
          7. Dharma
          8. Environment
          9. Fear
          10. Federation of Jain Associations in North America
          11. Ghee
          12. JAINA
          13. JAINA Education Committee
          14. JCGB
          15. JCNC
          16. Jain Center of Greater Boston
          17. Jain Center of Northern California
          18. Jaina
          19. Jainism
          20. Jinendra
          21. Krishna
          22. Lakshan
          23. Mahavir
          24. Neminath
          25. Non-violence
          26. Pandit
          27. Parmeshthi
          28. Parva
          29. Paryushan
          30. Paryushan Parva
          31. Pratikraman
          32. Pravachan
          33. Pravin K Shah
          34. Raleigh
          35. Rishi
          36. Sangh
          37. Sramana
          38. Sutra
          39. Tirthankar
          40. Upvas
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