30.09.2017 ►JAINA ►Newsletter

Published: 01.10.2017
Updated: 03.10.2017

Federation Of Jain Associations in North America


Jai Jinendra!

I would like to congratulate all Indians in Canada on the occasion of release of a joint stamp by Canada Post and India Post. This release will definitely take India-Canada relationships to newer heights.

We wish Pujya Rakeshbhai Jhaveri a joyous and blissful 51st Birthday. His contribution towards spreading the teachings of Shrimad Rajchandra is remarkable and on this occasion we wish him good health.

Warm Regards,
Gunvant Shah
JAINA President


Those who hanker after pleasure, those who are attached to or seized by passions and are obstinate like miser, cannot know the nature of samadhi (self-concentration).

- Bhagwan Mahavir


In life, for the rise from the point of view of humanity Vitamin F= Foresight is indispensable.
To begin with, a new work it is always very important to consider the pros and cons of it and also proper thought be given to the point whether the task in question can be accomplished.


Jainism has 3 main principles namely Ahimsa, Anekant and Aparigraha. Out of these 3 principles, Ahimsa is one of the most important one. To understand Ahimsa, we need to first understand Hinsa (Violence). There are two types of violence 1) Dravya Hinsa and 2) Bhav Hinsa. If any living being is murdered or killed or physically assaulted it is called Dravya Hinsa. On the other hand if any act of violence that is not performed physically but is imagined in the mind it is called Bhava Hinsa

Jainism has taught the world that violence is not only a physical phenomena but a mental one as well. Mahavir gave principle of Ahimsa at a time when there were sacrifices offered in yagnas. In addition to this there was violence committed even in domestic acts like cooking, sweeping, grinding etc. Mahavir was a visionary Tirthankar. He realized that to maintain equilibrium in the universe non-violence must be sought by all possible means. He taught the people about eternal truth, “Ahimsa Parmo Dharma.” All the living beings share collective existence in the universe. Violence disturbs the divine design resulting into many problems. People use cosmetics which pass through violence on many innocent living creatures. Even silk clothes are manufactured after killing many silk worms. Even during home decoration and construction, lot of micro insects are killed. It is not possible to escape unintentional violence totally but care should be taken from our side to avoid Hinsa. Lord Mahavir was also against the Hinsa of Ekendriya Jivas.

Prevention of Bhav Hinsa is equally important. If one is offended or hurt, it leads to permanent bitterness. One must remember that our character is not determined by what goes in our mouth but what comes out of our mouth. Each sentence must be spoken judiciously. Every deed must be weighed in terms of future consequences because the seeds of enmity are sown with Bhav Hinsa. If one is hurt by us then we should instantly apologize by saying Michhami Dukkadam.


Diwali is celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains throughout Canada and around the world. To mark the occasion, Canada Post and India Post have released our first joint issue of stamps and other collectibles.

On the occasion, Hon. Deepak Obhrai, P.C., M.P. congratulates Canada Post and India Post for joint Diwali stamp

jointly issuing two stamps to celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights. This is done in the year of Canada’s 150th anniversary.

The first-ever Diwali stamps issued in Canada were unveiled by Hon. Deepak Obhrai and Prime Minister Stephen Harper in 2011, at the 11th National Diwali Celebration held in Ottawa.

This year, at the 17th National Diwali Celebration on Parliament Hill on October 18th, Hon. Deepak Obhrai will be joined by Canada Post CEO Deepak Chopra and Indian High Commissioner Vikas Swarup to unveil the new stamps here in our nation’s capital. All are welcome to attend.”


Mr. Prakash Mody (Canada) is very active member of Jainism Philately Group and one of the shining gems of Jain Samaj Canada. He was actively instrumental and master mind in getting Canada Post to release stamps on Diwali. He has achieved this new miracle in a non-Jain, non-Hindu Country.

You will be happy to know that his Philatelic and Numismatics collections, including literature, books, correspondences, etc. and Special Jain Philatelic materials (Niagara Falls Special Covers with Special Picture Postage Stamps of Jain idols) hava been donated to the Royal Ontario Museum.



Take a moment to look at this shrine. Do you see anything different?

Both footprints point in the opposite directions and both have their own doors. Nami and Vinami were Adinath’s grandsons. When Adinath distributed his kingdom, the grandsons were absent and never got their share.

They came looking for Adinath to ask him for their share but Adinath was in deep meditation and would not respond. With open swords, they stood by his side but this did not disturb Adinath. In fact, they became his devotees. For their devotion, they were given kingdoms by a demi god called Darnendra. Nami got a kingdom to the North and Vinami a kingdom to the south.

Maybe that’s why these footprints face opposite directions! Our next stop is a rest area at step 3076.

Click to read the story & listen to an amazing audio clip in or .


Shri Amitabh Bachchan and Shri Jitendra Kapoor extended their warm support to the ‘Spit Free Bharat’ Campaign - An initiative by Shri Namramuni Maharaj Saheb. Watch their messages here: Support from prominent Jains to India's PM Narendra Mody's "Swatch Bharat" is noticed by large number of people. Watch these messages by well known people:


Jain Study Center of North Carolina Paryushan Puja on the first and last days, Bhavana and finally Samvatsari. They had great Puja and Bhavna with singers and musicians. Here are some photos.

JSCNC also organized a volunteering event at the Durham Food Bank last month. Below are some photos from the event.


YOU are “Part of a Whole”

This retreat is intended on supporting you in discovering your leadership and, together, exploring the impact you are able to make in your larger communities and the world at large. There will be speakers and leaders from across multiple industries and disciplines to re-enforce the notion; that you are part of a larger Jain Professional community! When we come together and collaborate, we can make profound impacts in the world at large.

To meet the above objective, attendees will collaborate through:

1. Personal Inquiry - Exploring the impact of Jainism in our personal lives and what it means to be a Conscious Jain

2. Authentic Connection - Breaking down walls of insecurity and separation to create space for connection and collaboration

3. Community - Gain a deeper understanding of the resources already available within the Jain Professional community and gaining direct access in how you can make a difference.

4. Direction - To nurture a Jain Way of Life that is socially responsible.


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          Page glossary
          Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
          1. Adinath
          2. Ahimsa
          3. Ahimsa Parmo Dharma
          4. Akbar
          5. Anekant
          6. Aparigraha
          7. Bhagwan Mahavir
          8. Bhava
          9. Bhavana
          10. Bhavna
          11. Dharma
          12. Diwali
          13. Diwali Celebration
          14. Dravya
          15. Ekendriya
          16. Federation of Jain Associations in North America
          17. Hinsa
          18. JAINA
          19. Jaina
          20. Jainism
          21. Jinendra
          22. Mahavir
          23. Meditation
          24. Michhami Dukkadam
          25. Namramuni Maharaj Saheb
          26. Non-violence
          27. Ottawa
          28. Paryushan
          29. Prakash Mody
          30. Puja
          31. Samadhi
          32. Samvatsari
          33. Shrimad Rajchandra
          34. Space
          35. Tirthankar
          36. Violence
          37. YJP
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