Jain Center of Greater Boston
Pravachan Program - UpDated
by Shri Fulchandji Shashtri
Friday, November 17 to Sunday, November 19, 2017
It is with great pleasure to announce that Jain Scholar Shri Fulchanji Shashtri will be visiting our Jain center on November 17, 18 and 19 - Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Many of our Jain center members have attended his lectures at Jaina convention. They think of very high of his tatva gyan (about atma darshan) and his direct message and most of them wanted to invite him at our Jain center. We are fortunate that he has accepted our invitation. We may ask him to give pravachans covering Samaysar. Pravachans will be in Hindi.
Fulchandji Shashtri: The Man with a Mission
Fulchand is an enlightened Soul, who is also a great writer, International multilingual, Numerologist of The Southeast Asia and popular speaker in the spiritual world. He is fluent in Gujarati, Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Prakrit, Marathi, Indonesian, Batak, Javanese, Padang, Aceh, Malay, Japanese, Mandarin, Thai, Tagalog etc. 18 National and International languages. He has written numerous books on Spirituality and Vegetarianism in various languages.
He delivered his first lecture on Jainism at the age of 16 at Pujya Gurudev Shri Kanjiswami Jain Temple, Deolali. At age of 19 he had memorized 1500 Shaastra (Religious Books). He has traveled all over the world to spread Jainism and given more than 29000 lectures. His 9000 hours of audio and video lectures have been recorded in world's various languages and uploaded on website. He has given many speeches on "Non-violence and Vegetarianism" in these languages and more than 5000 people including Christians and Muslims in these countries have become vegetarians inspired by his lectures and books.
His Pravachan Program is as follows.
Friday Nov 17 (Evening)
8:00 PM to 9:30 PM - Pravachan followed by Q & A
Saturday Nov 18
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM - Pravachan, followed by light lunch
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM - Lunch (Please RSVP using the link below)
1:30 PM to 3:00 PM - Pravachan
3.00 PM to 3:30 PM - Tea break
3:30 PM to 4:30 PM - Pravachan (If members like to have pravachan)
Sunday November 19 (!)
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM - Discourse in English, to primarily benefit kids, allowing kids to ask question directly to him. (Note: Snatra Puja will be held as planned starting at 10:00 a.m.) 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM - Lunch (Please RSVP using the link below) 1:30 PM to 3.00 PM - Pravachan 3.00 PM to 3:30 PM - Tea break 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM - Pravachan We are thankful to Hansbhai and Ushaben Maru family for sponsoring lunch on both Saturday and Sunday. If you would like to help with Lunch on Saturday, please contact Rasik Vagadia / Kalpana Vagadia at (508) 740 7816 or (617) 504 6910. Please RSVP for lunch on Saturday at the link below. | |