A variety of Noāgamataḥ Dravya Niksepa (virtually or metaphorically transferred epithet);
the epithet 'knower' given to the body of a person who is a would-be knower, but at present is devoid of the knowledge of the subject under consideration.
bhaviyasanradavvāvassayaṃ-je jīve joṇijammaṇanikkhaṃte imeṇaṃ ceva ādattaeṇaṃ sarīrasamussaeṇaṃ jinadittheṇaṃ bhāveṇaṃ āvassae tti pay am seyakāle sikkhissai, na tāva sikkhai. jahā ko diṭṭhaṃto, ayaṃ mahnkuṃbhe bhavissai, ayaṃ ghayakuṃbhe bhavissai. se taṃ bhaviyasartradavvāvassayaṃ...
(Anu 17)