08.05.2021 - JSGD - Newsletter

Published: 10.05.2021

Jain Society of Greater Detroit

JSGD Puja Schedule

Jai Jinendra!

JSGD Schedule for MAY 2021 Puja is listed below:

May 12, 2021 New Month - Snatra Puja Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
May 19, 2021 Mini Siddhachakra Pujan Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
May 26, 2021 Mini Siddhachakra Pujan Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

All events will be on WebEx call. To join, please use the following link:

To join by phone:
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
Access code: 790 581 606

JAINA Announcement

Meeting ID - 935 6131 5524
Passcode: JAINA

For the Past year, JAINA has been collecting Sadharmik Bhakti funds for our Corona inflicted brothers and sisters in India and we are continuing with that effort.

Many of our members have inquired if JAINA has any humanitarian fund for the current unprecedented and catastrophic crisis engulfing all of India. In the emergency meeting of JAINA leaders on May 3rd, it was decided that JAINA will create an emergency Covid 19 fund drive by combining efforts of the World Community Service of JAINA (the committee that traditionally acts whenever or wherever disasters strike) and the Sadharmik Bhakti Committee of JAINA. Our members
can choose to donate to the Humanitarian Fund of the World Community Service of JAINA or to the Sadharmik Committee of JAINA. JAINA will honor donors' wishes as to how the funds will be utilized in India. We will send Humanitarian funds through our Trusted NGOs like Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust in Mumbai and Sadharmik fund through Jain Education & Empowerment Trust of Mumbai (JEET).

Everyone is aware of the serious need for funds in India. With the launch of the Humanitarian fund by JAINA , you have double the reasons to donate. Please act urgently.

To Donate Click here - https://www.jaina.org/donations/donate.asp?id=20121

Donate via Zelle: Money can be zelled using [email protected].

Your donation is tax-deductible.
JAINA (Federation of Jain Associations in North America) is a Non-Profit tax exempt organization, registered under IRS Section 501 (C) (3) EL# 54-1280028

The donation checks need to be made payable to JAINA

In the memo put Emergency Covid Fund.
Mail to :
Ashok Savla 8843 1/2 Longden Avenue, Temple City, CA 91780

Jain Society of San Diego | Jain Center of Greater Phoenix | Jain Center Of New Jersey | Jain Society of Metropolitan Washington | Jain Society of Northern Virginia | Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago | Jain Center of South Florida | Jain Center of Minnesota | Jain Society of Houston | Jain Society of North Texas | Jain Center of Greater Boston | Jain Society of Tampa Bay | Jain Sangh of greater Austin | Jain Center of American NY | Jain Center of Southern California | Jain Temple of Los Angeles | Jain Society of Greater Detroit | Jain Center of Northern California | The Jain Sangh of Cherry Hill, NJ | Jain Society of Greater Atlanta | Jain Center of Greater Charlotte | Jain Society of Central Virginia & many other Jain Centers of North America

SARTHI Mother's Day Event

SARTHI would like to honor you with a special Mother's Day wellness event on May 15th.
See flyer for details. Registration is required
Click to Register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYtduusqjsuE9EZWo_5h7nRG2G6Pu0RCfgf

Mother's Day JOY/Study Class/Senior Event

Jai Jinendra!
We hope everyone is doing well. With Mother's Day coming up, we have some announcements. This year, we will have a virtual Mother's Day/Seniors Event on Sunday, May 16th, 2021 from 3-5 pm. We will send the WebEx link closer to the date. To make the event successful, we need your help!
Every year we hold a seniors event on Mother's day as well. We will start with the JOY event, and then hold games and presentations for the seniors. We are requesting you to submit pictures with your mothers or children for us to compile for the event by May 12th. Please send pictures to Aryan Shah at . We hope you enjoy Mother's day this Sundayand don't forget to take pictures with your loved ones & send it to the above e mail address .

Thank you,
JOY Board


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    • Jain Society of Greater Detroit [JSGD], USA
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        1. Atlanta
        2. Bhakti
        3. Chicago
        4. Detroit
        5. Federation of Jain Associations in North America
        6. Houston
        7. JAINA
        8. JSGD
        9. Jain Center Of Greater Phoenix
        10. Jain Center Of New Jersey
        11. Jain Center of Greater Boston
        12. Jain Center of Northern California
        13. Jain Center of South Florida
        14. Jain Center of Southern California
        15. Jain Education
        16. Jain Society of Greater Detroit
        17. Jain Society of Houston
        18. Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago
        19. Jain Society of Tampa Bay
        20. Jain Temple
        21. Jaina
        22. Jinendra
        23. Mumbai
        24. Puja
        25. Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust
        26. San Diego
        27. Sangh
        28. Snatra puja
        29. Washington
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