06.06.2021 - JSGD - Newsletter

Published: 07.06.2021

Jain Society of Greater Detroit

Temple Anniversary

Jai Jinendra Society Members

Hope everyone is in good Saata.

Our Temple is now open for performing Murti Puja, if Fully Vaccinated. Please continue to take all the necessary precautions, stay safe and keep everyone safe. It is on ‘Good Faith’ basis.

It is with pleasure we announce the further re-opening of our Temple. We will be celebrating the 23rd Temple Anniversary on 25/26/27 June 2021. For the Anniversary event, everyone is welcome to join in person.

We will also be doing Online streaming for joining remotely. To join: Please use the YouTube link http://tiny.cc/jsgdevent

To limit the interaction and number of volunteers in the Temple, we are asking members to NOT bring the Murtis from home to Temple for Abhishek. Please use online streaming to join during the Abhishek and follow the directions.

Narendrabhai Nandu and team will also be joining us virtually from India. We will be live streaming the event.

However, during this event, we will NOT be serving the Swamivatsalya Lunch in the Temple.

The Anniversary events are:

Day 1: 25-June-2021 - Snatra Puja from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Day 2: 26-June-2021 – 18 Abhishek from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Day 3: 27-June-2021 – Dhwaja Ceremony from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

As not all of our members are Fully Vaccinated, mostly among the younger group, we continue with the mask mandate.

This year, we will restart our 18 Abhishek which we couldn’t do last year.
For Gheeboli link: https://tinyurl.com/JSGDPledges

For pledges, please use the link above or contact any one of the following:

Parth Shah (734) 858-0016 [email protected]
Ankur Jain (215) 869-8231 [email protected]
Manish Jain (248) 946-1604 [email protected]

Various Gheebolis for the 3 Days are as follows:

Day1 - Snatra Puja:
Arti - AM and PM
Mangal Divo – AM and PM

Day 2 - 18 Abhishek:
Main Gabhara Tirthankar
Parshawanath Bhagwan Metal
Chauvishi Bhagwan
Bhumati area 24 Bhagwan
Surya & Chandra Darshan
Ashtaprakari Puja in Gabhara
Arti – AM and PM
Mangal Divo – AM and PM
Shanti Kalash

Day3 - Dhwaja Ceremony:
Dhwaja on Main Shikhar
Dhwaja on Guru Gautam Swami Shikhar
Dhwaja on Padmavati Devi Shikhar
Arti – AM and PM
Mangal Divo – AM and PM
Shanti Kalash

All members are still requested not to touch Arti Thali, Ghantaji to keep Not Fully Vaccinated members safe.

Monitor your health. If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home and DONOT come to the Temple.

Once again, Thank you all for your support, encouragement and patience during these trying times. Anumodana to you all. If we have hurt anyone’s feelings, knowingly or unknowingly, MICCHAMI DUKHADAM.


JAINA Jain Digest

Jai Jinendra dear JSGD members,

We are pleased to let you know that the June 2021 issue of Jain Digest is now available on the JAINA website and you can also browse through this link below:

This issue is very special for JSGD as it has got the articles/experience sharing by four of our society members - Monica Shah (daughter of Praful Shah and Pratima Shah), Riya Shah (daughter of Rajiv Shah and Reepal Shah ), Manisha Bhandari, and Keval Shah (son of Dipen and Kavita Shah)

Thank you for your continued support and interest in reading the Jain Digest.


Sanjay Bhandari
Editor, Jain Digest

SARTHI Father's Day Wellness Event Reminder

SARTHI calling all Dads...
The greatest wealth is Health!!!

This Father's day, let's focus on your wellness.
Please join us for an interactive event. See flyer for details & registration link.



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        Page glossary
        Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
        1. Arti
        2. Darshan
        3. Detroit
        4. Gautam Swami
        5. Guru
        6. JAINA
        7. JSGD
        8. Jain Digest
        9. Jain Society of Greater Detroit
        10. Jaina
        11. Jinendra
        12. Padmavati
        13. Pratima
        14. Puja
        15. Snatra puja
        16. Swami
        17. Tirthankar
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