18.05.2023 - JSGD - Newsletter

Published: 19.05.2023

Jain Society of Greater Detroit

Kick off Pujan for 25th Anniversary Mahotsav

Mahotsav Committee welcomes you.

Get ready to celebrate the 25th Anniversary Mahotsav
Enjoy this video-> https://jsgd.org/25
Pranam, We invite the entire sangh to the 25th Anniversary Kickoff Pujan.
Please click here to RSVP by June 2nd -> 25th Anniversary Mahotsav Kickoff Pujan

On Sunday June 4th, 2023 following charts will be posted on Temple Bulletin Board for members to sign up for fix ghee boli

  1. Fix Ghee Boli Chart for 18 Abhishek Ceremony in Bhumati Area
  2. Fix Ghee Boli Chart For 18 Abhishek for three (3) Ghabhara Area murties, Shri Parshvnath Bhagwan (Metal) and Chouvishi Bhagwan (Metal)
  3. Fix Ghee Boli Chart for 24 Thirthankar’s Dhwaja in Bhumati Area
  4. JSGD 25th Temple Anniversary – Volunteers Sign up sheet
25th Anniversary Mahotsav Team

JSGD Swadhyay Information

Jain Society of Greater Detroit
Presents Scholar Shri Shrenikbhai Gala for Swadhyay.

શ્રી આનંદઘનજી પદસ્વાધ્યાય
અવધૂત યોગી શ્રી આનંદઘનજી મહારાજા એક અવ્વલ કક્ષા ના સાધક અને પ્રભુભક્ત છે. શાસ્ત્રીય પદાર્થો અને પોતાના અનુભવ જ્ઞાન ને સરળ શૈલી માં ઢાળનારા કવિ છે. એમના દ્વારા રચાયેલ વર્તમાન ચોવીશી ના સ્તવન અને પ્રભુ પ્રાપ્તિ ના તલસાટ માં થયેલ સ્વાનુભૂતિની સ્પર્શના ના સંવેદનરૂપ 110 પદો ની પદ્ય રચના માં અરિહંત પરમાત્મા ની પરાવાણી નો સ્પર્શ થાય છે. વારંવાર ગાવાનું મન થાય એવા સરળ પદો માં ગંભીર આશયો સમાયેલા છે માટે એમની રચનાઓ માટે કહેવાયું -

આબુ વિસ્તાર ની ગિરી ગુફાઓ માં સાધના થી ઉતરી આવેલી આ અનુભવ વાણી / પરાવાણી ને મહાપુરુષો ના વિવેચન શબ્દો ના માધ્યમે સમજવાનો પ્રયત્ન કરીશું.જ્ઞાનાર્જન કરવા આ સ્વાધ્યાયમાં જોડાતા ચૂકશો નહિ તથા અન્યને પણ જોડાવા પ્રેરિત કરશો.
Sunday, May 14th- 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Monday, May15th – Thursday, May 18th
7:00 - 8:30 PM EST

JSGD Legacy Archive Project

Please fill out the Google Forms for participation by 5/19/23 -> http://forms.gle/wkv2RGi2vbgzb2mN8.

Monthly Snatra Puja

Jai Jinendra & Pranam,
We have the Monthly Snatra Puja on Saturday, May 20th, 2023 in the temple.
Puja timings are from 10.00 AM to 11.30 AM.
We request everyone to join and take laabh.


Charitra Upkaran Vandanavali - May 20th Function Invitation


This is a reminder that the 🪷 Charitra Upkaran Vandanavali - A Sparsh of Saiyam 🪷 function is this Saturday, May 20 from 3-5PM. It will be followed by Swamivatsalya. Some highlights of the event:

1. Samvedana (explanation) of each of the Upkaran
2. Saiyyam Bhakti
3. Darshan of each Upkaran
4. Presentation about Updhan Tap
5. Hanging of Moksh Mal on Prabhu's Dwar

As these Upkaran would be less familiar to youth who have not grown up around Sadhus/Sadhvis, we highly encourage you to bring your children and grandchildren. Majority of the Samvedana will be given in English as we are seeing good turnout of youth.

RSVP for this event has closed. If you would still like to attend, then please reach out to:
Rishi Zaveri (248 470 2304)


JSGD WhatsApp Group Information

Jai Jinendra Members,

We have a JSGD WhatsApp group formed and request everyone to join the group. This platform will allow everyone to stay connected, share updates, events and newsletters. We request everyone to please join & share the following link with your friends and family to get added to the JSGD WhatsApp group->
OR Scan the below QR code to join

Thank you,


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  • Institutions
    • Jain Society of Greater Detroit [JSGD], USA
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        Page glossary
        Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
        1. Bhakti
        2. Charitra
        3. Darshan
        4. Detroit
        5. Ghee
        6. JSGD
        7. Jain Society of Greater Detroit
        8. Jinendra
        9. Puja
        10. Rishi
        11. Saiyam
        12. Saiyyam
        13. Sangh
        14. Snatra puja
        15. Swadhyay
        16. Tap
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